
msa project based on .net 6

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


  • msa project based on .net 6

debug & test

  • Service Endpoint

    Service Port Description
    Catalog 8000 product information
    Basket 8001 cart
    Discount 8002 discouont information by product
    Discount Grpc 8003 discouont information by product
    Order 8004 ordering service
    ApiGateway 8010 api gateway (ocelot)
    Shopping Aggregator 8005 ordering service
    Frontend 8006 frontend MVC (Aspnetrunbasics)
    HealthCheck UI 8007 HealthCheck UI (WatchDog)
  • Infra Service Endpoint

    Service Port Description
    CatalogDb 27017 Mongo
    Mongo Client 3000 Mongo Db Web Client
    BasketDb 6379 Redis
    DiscountDb 5432 PostgreSQL
    PgAdmin 5050 PostgreSQL Management
    OrderDb 1433 SQL Server
    RabbitMQ 15672 RabbitMQ management dashboard
    Kibana 5601 Elastic Search dashboard
    Jaeger 16686 Trace Analyzer

useful commands

  • docker commands
$ cd src
# create and run all containers
$ docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.override.yml up -d
# stop and remove all running containers
$ docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.override.yml down
# build and run all running containers
$ docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.override.yml up --build
# display the list of all running containers
$ docker ps
# display the list of all images
$ docker images
# display the list of all volumes
$ docker volume ls
# stop container
$ docker stop {first 4 char of container id}
# remove container
$ docker rm {first 4 char of container id}
# remove image
$ docker rmi {first 4 char of container id}
# remove volume
$ docker volume rm {volume name}
# stop all containers
$ docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
# remove all containers
$ docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)
# remove all images
$ docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)
# remove all volumes
$ docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)
# remove all unused containers and images
$ docker system prune
# remove all unused volumnes
$ docker volume prune
  • package management console
# update out dated packages
> Update-Package -ProjectName << Project Name >>
# setup the migration
> Add-Migration InitialCreate -context ConfigurationDbContext
  • dotnet-ef
# installing quick start for identityserver4
$ dotnet new -i identityserver4.templates
$ dotnet new is4ui
# installing migration tool
$ dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
# create migration for identityserver4
$ dotnet ef migrations add InitialIdentityServerPersistedGrantDbMigration -c PersistedGrantDbContext -o Data/Migrations/PersistedGrantDb
$ dotnet ef migrations add InitialIdentityServerConfigurationDbMigration -c ConfigurationDbContext -o Data/Migrations/ConfigurationDb

# remove migrations for identityserver4
$ dotnet ef migrations remove
  • mongo & redis
# mongo bash commands
$ docker exec -it shopping-mongo /bin/bash
$ ls
$ mongo
$ show dbs
$ use CatalogDb
$ db.createCollection('Products')
$ db.Products.insertMany([{ 'Name':'Asus Laptop','Category':'Computers', 'Summary':'Summary', 'Description':'Description', 'ImageFile':'ImageFile', 'Price':54.93 }, { 'Name':'HP Laptop','Category':'Computers', 'Summary':'Summary', 'Description':'Description', 'ImageFile':'ImageFile', 'Price':88.93 } ])
$ db.Products.find({}).pretty()
$ db.Products.remove({})
$ show databases
$ show collections

# redis bash commands
$ docker exec -it aspnetrun-redis /bin/bash
$ redis-cli
$ ping
$ set key value
$ get key
  • postgresql
-- database scripts
ProductName VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL,
Description TEXT,
Amount INT
INSERT INTO Coupon (ProductName, Description, Amount) VALUES ('IPhone X', 'IPhone Discount', 150);
INSERT INTO Coupon (ProductName, Description, Amount) VALUES ('Samsung 10', 'Samsung Discount', 100);