
Efficient graph-based image segmentation

Primary LanguageC++


Efficient Graph-Based Image Segmentation
Pedro F. Felzenszwalb and Daniel P. Huttenlocher
International Journal of Computer Vision, Volume 59, Number 2, September 2004

These two folders are codes for visual studio 2015 solution and matlab mex, respectively.


In folder VisualStudio, Debug and Release are 32 bit files, x64 are 64 bit files. Use: under windows command line, run EGSeg.exe sigma k min_z input output Here, input must be ppm image file (contains one example file) and output also must be ppm file. For example, you can try this one: EGSeg.exe 0.5 1000 20 emir.ppm out.ppm. Then, you can get the segmented result out.ppm image.


In folder Matlab_C++, you can simply run demo.m to compile the c++ file and get and segmentation.

Have fun!!!