
A Simplified, self contained Node-Red based MQTT Driver for Meross Devices.


The full intent of this project is to provide a link between Homeseer via MQTT to various Meross wireless items. The code handles configuration of of the device and binds it to your local wifi and provides a address to your local MQTT server. The code provides a ultra simplified MQTT interface to the Meross devices. It handles ToggleX (on/offs) and Light (dim) primatives.

The dim interface provides a single interface topic for on/off and dim functions. Dim 0 = off, Dim 100 = on, and dim 1-99 provides brightness levels.

The code has been validated against MSS425 (power strip) and the MSS560 (wall dimmer).

There are 3 releases of the code (flow.json).... V3.00 is the working Homeseer to Meross working version.

V2.00 is a similar version to V3.00 but contains a logic error in the dim simulation of on/off functtions.

master is the original code which is a good starting point if you just want to learn to talk to the meross devices...

A Wiki will be setup for configuring the full Homeseer to Meross driver.

Previous versions of the README.md document how to get the master branch working...