
OctoVue is an alternative web interface for OctoPrint

Primary LanguageVue


An alternative UI for octoprint based on vue.js and bulma css framework

Latest enhancements

  • added page for external touchscreen with tile buttons
  • minor improvements and fixes
  • dashboard:
    • widget for filebrowser
    • widget for jobcontrol (resume/pause/cancel job)
    • widget for custom gcode command buttons
    • lock/unlock dashboard widgets


  • dashboard like page for external touchscreen like octoscreen and others
  • of course upload and print gcodes :-)
  • looking more modern than octoprint :-)
  • customizable drag'n'drop widget dashboard
  • preview gcode files, if image available (place image named the same like gcode file into same directory. For example you have Vase.gcode, put preview image/photo named "Vase.png" in same directory)
  • Search thingiverse inside OctoVue for models and download them
  • nice printpage with graphs and gauges for temperatures (for now up to 7 hotends + heated bed and heated enclosure supported)
  • statistics page with overview of printed files (successful / failed)
  • control printer power in case you power your printer with a Sonoff POW (with tasmota fw) from OctoVue (maybe installation of CORS anywhere proxy on a computer in your network needed)
  • control enclosure light (external control unit like nodeMCU) from OctoVue (maybe installation of CORS anywhere proxy on a computer in your network needed)


Install NodeJS

Go to node.js download page and check right click on the version of ARM that you need and choose Copy Link address.

$ mkdir ~/tmp && cd ~/tmp

$ wget https://nodejs.org/dist/v8.9.3/node-v8.9.3-linux-armv7l.tar.xz

$ tar -xvf node-v8.9.3-linux-armv7l.tar.xz

$ cd node-v8.9.3-linux-armv7l

$ sudo cp -R * /usr/local/

check if everything went well:

$ node --version && npm --version

$ cd ~ && rm -rf ~/tmp


$ cd ~/

$ git clone https://github.com/shodushi/octovue.git

$ cd octovue

$ npm install

$ npm run build


a) $ sudo npm install -g serve
   $ nohup serve -s -l 8001 dist &

browse to http://YOUR-RASPBERRY-IP:8001


b) copy "dist" directory into any webserver document root in your network

  $ cp -r ~/octovue/dist/* /var/www/

browse to http://YOUR-WEBSERVER-IP


Enter all infos in initial config screen and save.


Configuration will be lost, when accessed from another browser or browser cache is cleared.

To make your configuration persistent, click "export config" button and upload "octovue_config.txt" into "dist" folder.





