
An awesome list of events and fellowship opportunities for Computer Science students

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An awesome list of events and fellowship opportunities for computer science students


Learning Platform

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Competitive Programming

Web Development

  • FreeCodeCamp - Coding tutorials and challenges.
  • Thimble - Free online code editor, web server, web browser & developer tools.
  • NodeSchool - Open source workshops that teach web software skills.
  • The Odin Project - A full free open source coding curriculum.
  • Egghead - Video tutorials on popular JavaScript frameworks.
  • Codecademy - Free and premium interactive tutorials for various languages.
  • CodeSchool - Combination of video and interactive tutorials.
  • MDN web docs - Web development articles by Mozilla.
  • W3Schools - Tutorials on HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more.
  • Eloquent JavaScript - An online book about JavaScript.

Mobile Development


Data Science

Artificial Intelligence

Computer Science

  • BaseCS - Explains computer science basics in easy-to-digest articles. Also in podcast format.

Open Source


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Programming Events

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General Opportunities

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