
Command line automation

Primary LanguageLua


A tool to create shell automation sequences using lua For documentation, visit https://github.shoeb.pw/tsundere/

Getting Started:

  1. Clone this repo:
    git clone https://github.com/shoeb751/tsundere.git && cd tsundere
  2. Add it to your PATH - without this you will have to use absolute path of the t binary
  3. Clone some modules to mods dir:
    mkdir mods && cd mods && git clone https://github.com/shoeb751/tsundere_basic_mod.git testmod
  4. Call the module using
    t <modname> <function_name> [<func_arg_1> <func_arg_2> ...]
    For eg.
    ./t test get_repos shoeb751
  5. You should be able to use help for a module by running:
    ./t test help
  6. Note that to run the test, you will need luasocket and luasec libraries installed as they are not included in this project.


  1. If more featues are desired, you can create an issue, and it can be discussed there.
  2. I am open to contributions - just make sure that the code is clear and has ldoc compatible documentation


  1. I expect attribution if something is built on top of this
  2. Do not sell this to to anyone - this is free software


System for creating a config file, which lists down modules and pulling those modules from either git or http zip/tar by running a command like t mod sync

Config file will be: mods.lua (Added to repo as mods.lua.sample)

Need to decide where to keep the code for this, as mods is directory is not managed by git Will be keeping the code in the test modules git repo, and in future make it to mean basic modules