##Python Server

Start: python ./server.py <PORT>

Execution & Control:

  • Input Server Name at Prompt for Handle
  • Server will listen for client connection
  • Respond to messages by typing and hit ENTER to send
  • Terminate Connection by typing \quit and ENTER
  • When connection is closed, server resumes listening for connections
  • Shutdown server with CTRL-C

Tested on OSU flip servers

##C Client

build: make all run: ./client <IP of Host Server> <PORT of Host Server> clean: make clean

Execution & Control:

  • Input Client Name at Prompt for Handle
  • Client will try to connect to server and sends handle as initial message
  • Send messages by typing message and ENTER to send
  • Terminate Connection by typing \quit and ENTER
  • When connection is closed with '\quit' from either side, client shuts down

Tested on OSU flip servers
