
Proxy the Nomad API via Workload Identity

Primary LanguageGoMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Proxy the Nomad API via Workload Identity.

MPL License Run CI Tests


This nomad-holepunch program can be run as a Nomad task that proxies the Nomad API by making use of Nomad's Workload Identity authorization token and Unix domain socket.


nomad-holepunch is configured via environment variables.

Environment Variable Description Default
HOLEPUNCH_BIND The TCP address to bind to
HOLEPUNCH_PORT The TCP port to listen on 6120
NOMAD_SOCKET_PATH The filepath to find the Nomad API api.sock file $NOMAD_SECRETS_DIR/api.sock
HOLEPUNCH_ALLOW_ALL Allow all nomad API endpoints false
HOLEPUNCH_ALLOW_METRICS Allow nomad /metrics API true
HOLEPUNCH_ALLOW_NODES Allow nomad /node API false
HOLEPUNCH_ALLOW_AGENT_HEALTH Allow nomad /agent/health API true
HOLEPUNCH_ALLOW_AGENT_SELF Allow nomad /agent/self false
HOLEPUNCH_ALLOW_AGENT_MEMBERS Allow nomad /agent/members API false
HOLEPUNCH_ALLOW_AGENT_SERVERS Allow nomad /agent/servers API false
HOLEPUNCH_ALLOW_AGENT_HOST Allow nomad /agent/host API false
HOLEPUNCH_ALLOW_AGENT_SCHEDULERS Allow nomad /agent/schedulers(/config) API false
HOLEPUNCH_ALLOW_PLUGINS Allow nomad /plugins API false
HOLEPUNCH_ALLOW_SERVICES Allow nomad /service(s/*) API false
HOLEPUNCH_ALLOW_STATUS Allow nomad /status/(leader,peers) API false

Local Development

For local development, hack/localdev.hcl provides a convenient way to run the nomad-holepunch program as a raw_exec nomad job. It is assumed that nomad-holepunch is present somewhere on the user's $PATH (see Compile), and that Nomad agent is running.

running a nomad agent
sudo nomad agent -dev
compile and install

into $GOPATH/bin, assumed to be on $PATH

go install
run the localdev nomad job
nomad job run -var=user=$USER ./hack/localdev.hcl


The Makefile provides targets for building nomad-holepunch locally.

  • make build (default) - compile and place binary into output/

  • make test - run go test to run test cases


A container is built for every version. They live in the GitHub Container Registry.

Although it isn't useful to run the container outside of Nomad, it is still possible, e.g.

➜ podman run --rm ghcr.io/shoenig/nomad-holepunch:v0.1.1
2023/06/25 19:23:52 INFO  [main] ^^ startup nomad-holepunch ^^
2023/06/25 19:23:52 TRACE [main] HOLEPUNCH_BIND =
2023/06/25 19:23:52 TRACE [main] HOLEPUNCH_PORT = 6120
2023/06/25 19:23:52 TRACE [main] HOLEPUNCH_TOKEN = <redacted>
2023/06/25 19:23:52 TRACE [main] HOLEPUNCH_SOCKET_PATH = /secrets/api.sock
2023/06/25 19:23:52 TRACE [main] HOLEPUNCH_ALLOW_ALL = false
2023/06/25 19:23:52 TRACE [main] HOLEPUNCH_ALLOW_METRICS = true