We have constructed a dataset that contains Bangla text data for training unsupervised ML model, and it contains around 14 GB of text data. One of the largest in Bengali Language model called BanglaLM: Bangla Language Model Dataset
. The Bangla FastText model had been developed based on this dataset. We used google cloud to train model. We developed two models based on skipgram and cbow training method. This is open source python module to use these two models easily. We also developed sentence embedding systems for the using of sklearn classifiers. It showed better perfromance than facebook pretrained fasttext model on Bangla Wikidataset.
BanglaLM: Bangla Language Model Dataset
To install the latest release, we can do :
!pip install BanglaFastText
or, to get the latest development version of BanglaFastText, we can install from our github repository :
$ https://github.com/Kowsher/Bangla-Fasttext.git
$ cd Bangla-Fasttext
$ sudo pip install .
$ # or :
$ sudo python setup.py install
For further information and introduction see README.md
In order to learn word vectors, as described here, BanglaFastText
function like this:
import BanglaFastText
#there are two variation of training methods cbow and skipgram.
# Skipgram model :
>>> Bn = BanglaFastText.BanglaFasttext(method='skipgram', save_path = './content/model/')
# 'path' is the directory to save the downloaded model
>>> model = Bn.model_load()
# or, cbow model :
>>> Bn = BanglaFastText.BanglaFasttext(method='cbow', save_path = './content/model/')
>>> model = Bn.model_load()
Where method parameter is to choose the training method and path is to save model.
If we have already model then we can simply read and load the model as :
# To read a model
>>> Bn = BanglaFastText.BanglaFasttext(model_path = './model_name')
# to load the model as object we can
>>> model = Bn.model_load()
# to get vector of a word
>>> model['দেশ']
# to get most similar words
>>> model.most_similar("দেশ")
# to find word similarity
>>> Bn.word_similarity('কিতাব', 'বই')
# to find sentence similarity
>>> Bn.sent_similarity('আমি দেশকে ভালোবাসি', 'অনেক সুন্দর আমাদের দেশ')
# for sentence embedding
>>> corpus = ['আমি দেশকে ভালোবাসি', 'অনেক সুন্দর আমাদের দেশ']
>>> X = Bn.sent_embd(corpus)
If we want to fine tuning or update weights by our dataset
>>> corpus = ['আমি দেশকে ভালোবাসি', 'অনেক সুন্দর আমাদের দেশ']
>>> Bn.fine_tuning(corpus, epochs=5)
>>> model = Bn.model_load()
>>> tuned_model = Bn.fine_tuning(corpus, epochs=5) # to get the raw model after finetuned, if we want to use it further