sVim is a Safari extension with shortcuts similar to Vim.
The functionality of sVim will mostly follow the Chrome extension cVim.
- Download the latest release
- Releases and release notes are all uploaded to Github on the releases page
- The extension will update via Safari Extension Updates
Keyboard Command |
Description |
Mapping Name |
Movement |
"j" |
scroll down |
scrollDown |
"k" |
scroll up |
scrollUp |
"h" |
scroll left |
scrollLeft |
"l" |
scroll right |
scrollRight |
"d" |
scroll half-page down |
scrollPageDown |
"e", "u" |
scroll half-page up |
scrollPageUp |
"shift+d" |
scroll full-page down |
scrollFullPageDown |
"shift+e" |
scroll full-page up |
scrollFullPageUp |
"shift+g" |
scroll to bottom of the page |
scrollToBottom |
"g g" |
scroll to top of the page |
scrollToTop |
"0" |
scroll to the left of the page |
scrollToLeft |
"$" |
scroll to the right of the page |
scrollToRight |
"g i" |
go to the first input box |
goToInput |
"g n" |
find a "next page" link and navigate to it |
gotoNextPage |
"g p" |
find a "previous page" link and navigate to it |
gotoPrevPage |
Miscellaneous |
"r" |
reload the current tab |
reloadTab |
"z i" |
zoom page in |
zoomPageIn |
"z o" |
zoom page out |
zoomPageOut |
"z 0" |
zoom page to original size |
zoomOrig |
"g r" |
toggle Safari reader if possible |
toggleReader |
"g v" |
show sVimrc page |
showsVimrc |
"g ?" |
open help page in new tab |
help |
Tab Navigation |
"g t", "shift+k" |
navigate to the next tab |
nextTab |
"g shift+t", "shift+j" |
navigate to the previous tab |
previousTab |
"g 0" |
go to the first tab |
firstTab |
"g $" |
go to the last tab |
lastTab |
"g l" |
go to the last active tab that's still open |
lastActiveTab |
"x" |
close the current tab |
quit |
"g x shift+t" |
close the tab to the left of the current tab |
closeTabLeft |
"g x t" |
close the tab to the right of the current tab |
closeTabRight |
"g x 0" |
close all tabs to the left of the current tab |
closeTabsToLeft |
"g x $" |
close all tabs to the right of the current tab |
closeTabsToRight |
"shift+x" |
open the last closed tab |
lastClosedTab |
"ctrl+shift+x" |
open the last closed tab in background |
lastClosedTabBackground |
"t" |
open new tab |
newTab |
"shift+h" |
go back in history |
goBack |
"shift+l" |
go forward in history |
goForward |
"shift+," |
move current tab left |
moveTabLeft |
"shift+." |
move current tab right |
moveTabRight |
"g u" |
navigate to parent directory |
parentDirectory |
"g shift+u" |
navigate to top directory |
topDirectory |
"g d" |
navigate to parent domain |
parentDomain |
"g h" |
navigate to home page |
homePage |
Window Navigation |
"w" |
open new window |
newWindow |
"g w" |
navigate to the next window |
nextWindow |
"g shift+w" |
navigate to the previous window |
previousWindow |
Modes |
"escape", "ctrl+[" |
enter normal mode |
normalMode |
"i" |
enter insert mode |
insertMode |
Link Hints |
"f" |
open link in current tab |
createHint |
"shift+f" |
open link in new background tab |
createTabbedHint |
"ctrl+shift+f" |
open link in new foreground tab |
createForegroundHint |
Clipboard |
"y y" |
copy current URL to clipboard |
yankDocumentUrl |
- The sVimrc page is where you can customize sVim settings and css.
- You can access the page by pressing
g v
or via the extension settings in Safari.
- The sVimrc and sVimcss files can be synced via gist.
- The gist id is found at the end of the url when viewing the gist.
- Note it does not matter the name of your gist or the file, sVim will just grab the first file from the gist id supplied. I use sVim.rc and sVim.css.
- For simplicity, strings in sVimrc should be wrapped in
- Save the sVimrc page with
- Goto or switch between sVimrc and sVimcss with
- set
- Used for boolean settings.
- Prepend
to setting name to unset.
- Set smooth scroll with
set smoothscroll
and unset with set nosmoothscroll
- let
- Used to set non-boolean settings.
- These settings can be of type integer, string or array.
- Set new tab url like
let newtaburl = "http://google.com"
- Set scroll step like
let scrollstep = 100
- Set black lists like
let blacklists = ["*://example.com/stuff/*", "*://mail.google.com/*"]
- map
- Used to set/overwrite shortcuts.
- sVim uses Mousetrap for shortcuts and keyboard commands should follow it's format.
- You can use leader with
in the keyboard command.
- Set the down arrow key to scroll down with
map "down" scrollDown
- Set the leader key + the J key to scroll down with
map "<Leader> j" scrollFullPageDown
- unmap
- Used to remove a shortcut.
- Remove
shortcut with unmap "j"
- unmapAll
- Used to remove all current shortcuts with
- "
- Used to add comments to sVimrc.
- Comment by adding
to the beginning of the line (inline not supported).
- Add comment like
" This is a comment
Setting Name |
Description |
Type |
Default |
preventdefaultesc |
prevent escape from exiting full screen, if unset then only prevent when not in normal mode |
boolean |
true |
smoothscroll |
use smooth scrolling |
boolean |
true |
fullpagescrollpercent |
percent of the page to scroll by when using scrollFullPageUp and scrollFullPageDown |
integer |
85 |
lastactivetablimit |
number of last active tabs to remember |
integer |
25 |
lastclosedtablimit |
number of closed tabs to remember |
integer |
25 |
scrollduration |
duration of smooth scrolling |
integer |
30 |
scrollstep |
amount of pixels scrolled when using scrollUp and scrollDown |
integer |
60 |
zoomstep |
percent to zoom when using zoomPageIn and zoomPageOut |
integer |
10 |
hintcharacters |
characters to be used in link hint mode |
string |
"asdfgqwertzxcvb" |
homeurl |
url to use as home page |
string |
"topsites://" |
mapleader |
key |
string |
"" |
newtaburl |
url to use as the default new tab url |
string |
"topsites://" |
blacklists |
disable sVim on the sites matching one of the patterns |
array |
[] |
nextpagetextpatterns |
a list of regex patterns used to find the "next page" link on the page |
array |
["Next"] |
prevpagetextpatterns |
a list of regex patterns used to find the "prev page" link on the page |
array |
["Previous"] |
" Settings
set nosmoothscroll
let fullpagescrollpercent = 100
let lastactivetablimit = 50;
let lastclosedtablimit = 50;
let scrollduration = 25
let scrollstep = 65
let zoomstep = 15
let hintcharacters = "1234567890";
let homeurl = "http://google.com";
let mapleader = ","
let newtaburl = "http://google.com"
let blacklists = ["*://example.com/stuff/*", "*://mail.google.com/*"]
let nextpagetextpatterns = ["Next"]
let prevpagetextpatterns = ["Prev(ious)?"]
" Shortcuts
map "q" nextTab
map "shift+q" previousTab
map "<Leader> h" closeTabLeft
map "<Leader> l" closeTabRight
map "down" scrollDown
map "up" scrollUp
map "left" scrollLeft
map "right" scrollRight
map "space" scrollFullPageDown