
This repository is dedicated to linux enthusiasts

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


File related commands

List File:

  • list all files from a folder in a file ls [FOLDER] > [FILENAME]
  • delete a line matching a pattern sed -i '/[PATTERN] /d' [FILENAME]
  • add string to start of each line sed -e 's/^/[STRING_TO_ADD]/' -i [FILENAME]



find eg:

name: find /usr -name home name extension: find /usr -name "*.sh" name extension (case-insensitive): find /usr -iname "*.sh" execute command on result (here, copy to /result) find /usr -iname "*.sh -exec cp {} /result \ file content grep <REGEXP> <FILE> <OPTIONS>


list all lines which contains hello in a file, including line number: grep hello HelloWorld.sh -n

Other eg:

remove duplicates: (..) | uniq e