
an app for a simple guess-a-number game which is runnable on both android/iOS and web. this app is implemented by react-native framework and expo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React-Native GuessNumber-app

this project implements a simple guess number app with hints using React-native js framework

brief overview

in the first page you enter a cosnsidered number, you can reset it or go to the next page by pressing start game. the next page will show you application's guess numbers and you hint it with pressing lower or greater button. you're not permitted to decieve the app couse it gives you an alert. after the app guessed right number you're gauided to game over page and you can start it again.


  • app is runable on both android an ios platforms
  • app is implemented an animation using lottie-react-native


  • NodeJS
  • Android/ios Virtual or physical Device


the app imlimentation is highly inspired form a react-native-course in Udemy


  • after cloning the project run npm install or yarn to get the node_module folder
  • then run npx react-native run-android or react-native run-ios

GuessNumber-app on web

on this project I tried to deplpy the app on web with expo

I tired to use react-native web and apply all the processes in this page but I decided to use expo 'bare' workflow and I run the app on browser in an eye blink.

for this follow below instructions:

Migrate from CRNA to the Expo CLI

All apps created with create-react-native-app, are compatible with Expo CLI without changes.

  • Upgrade react-native-scripts to v2.0.1 with: npm install --save --save-exact react-native-scripts@2.0.1 or
  • yarn add --exact react-native-scripts@2.0.1 When you run npm start for the first time, Expo CLI will be installed.

start expo on web

  • Install the latest version of the Expo CLI: npm i -g expo-cli
  • Add web dependencies: expo install react-native-web react-dom
  • Ensure your project has at least expo@^33.0.0 installed.
  • Start your project with expo start then press w to start Webpack and open the project in the browser.

for more information check expo-ejection