Place your config in in ~/.encrypted_gmail_backup
Sample Config:
username =
password = changeme
keyid = 76AA7B2CF3FD360E
binary = gpg
path = /backup/gmail/
metafile = gmailmeta.txt
archive = messages.tar
username = NONE
password = NONE
server =
folder = [Gmail]/All Mail
# The recipient to encrypt to.
keyid = 76AA7B2CF3FD360E
binary = gpg
home = ~/.gnupg
encoding = utf-8
# Target directory for the backup. Must exist and end in a trailing slash.
path = /tmp/
# Name of the target archive.
# Appended to the backup path.
archive = messages.tar
# Stores the ID of the last fetched message.
metafile = gmailmeta.txt
# If your backup directory is on mounted device,
# the script can check if the target directory exists first and fail gracefully.
onexternal = no
# Ensure only one instance of the script per username.
use_pid = yes
pid_prefix = /tmp/encrypted_gmail_backup
Be sure to chmod 600 ~/.encrypted_gmail_backup
so that other users can't read your password.
I have MacGPG installed on my system, so I changed binary to:
binary = /usr/local/MacGPG2/bin/gpg2
Then run gmail-backup
and it will start to fetch your mail!
Based on Andrew Jennings' gmail-backup