
Working group raising money for the hapi.js web server framework

Fundraising for hapi

The hapi web server framework is in need of financial support for ongoing development and maintainence. As a high quality, enterprise-grade framework, hapi is a sophisticated piece of software, made of dozens of modules and tens of thousands of lines of carefully crafted code. It is open source and free to use. Yet, upgrades to the framework take a significant amount of resources, as everything is thoroughly reviewed, tested, and documented according to very high standards.

We seek to provide hapi with healthy sources of funding so that hapi can continue to innovate and provide a secure, reliable foundation for developers to build on, beyond what any other framework can offer.

About this document

This a collection of proposals and discussions about fundraising for hapi. It is self-organized by the hapi community and lead by Seth Holladay, a developer who uses hapi in production.

About the process

Open an issue to discuss ideas.

Open a pull request to submit a detailed, formal proposal for ratification by the group, or to make other changes, such as adding links to relevant resources to this document.