
The sample of scalable realtime clustered chat server using Scala, Playframework, Akka Cluster and ZIO

Primary LanguageScala


How to run in local

  1. Start DB Server (MySQL)

    $ cd docker
    $ docker-compose up -d

    MySQL server will start and sample database will be created.

    If you want to access the DB

    $ mysql -h -usample -p # the password is `sample`
  2. Apply table schemas in the DB

    $ sbt flyway-sample/flywayMigrate
  3. Start Application Servers

    • Server 1 (http => localhost:9000)
    $ sbt interfaces/run
    • Server 2 (http => localhost:9001)
    $ sbt "interfaces/run -Dhttp.port=9001 -Dconfig.resource=application-2.conf"
  4. Access to http://localhost:9000/ (or 9001)

Network layout in production

Cluster Chat Architecture (1)

Relation of modules and classes

Cluster Chat Classes Architecture (1)


play-scala-zio-akka-cluster-chat-demo (1)