This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
- Create reward tokens with erc-20 tokens based on the evaluation of the company
- Create a rewards bucket (account) for every user of the company
- Send company rewards to user bucket
- Add metadata to these reward tokens
- Unsafe: Create a link that allows the user to withdraw from the bucket to his account, this link will be sent to the user via email, maybe do some verification using merkle trees?
participant Admin
participant Wallet
participant Company
participant User
Admin-->>Wallet: Connect to the wallet
Admin-->>Company: Approve the company
Admin-->>Company: Add the new tier
Company-->>Wallet: Connect to the wallet
Company-->>Company: Register their company valuation
Company-->>Company:Create the reward bucket
Company-->>Company: Add the company User
User-->>Wallet: Connect to the wallet
User-->>User: mint rewards
Note right of User: happens automatically <br/> on first login
User-->>Contract: claim encrypted keypair and ATA
loop on frontend
User-->>User: create new keypair
User-->>User: encrypt with user password
User-->>Contract: create new ATA for new pubkey
User-->>Contract: update user and userbucket to new key(all tokens are transferred to new key)
Note right of User: happens automatically <br/> until here
User-->>Contract: (optional) user can move accounts and tokens to his own wallet
User-->>Contract: withdraw tokens from reward bucket
Company: enterprise that wants to use gratie User: employee of the company
changing structure of accounts in the src/state folder might break the tests because existing accounts on the network will have a different structure
it would be great to have metaplex on the localnet
having an ERC-1155 for every user is probably very costly because of the storage, maybe we can use an ATA for every user.
- User could potentially have multiple buckets, one for each company
- User could see all these buckets in the same wallet
- User could trade reward tokens from one company for reward tokens from another company
- the users keys will be encrypted by their email and password
- the users keys will be derived from an account that will be created by the program, the company can have no access to the private key of this account because if they do they can withdraw the tokens from the user's bucket