- What JavaScript is and when we use it
- Basic JavaScript syntax
- Working with Data types (integers, strings etc.)
- Control flow (loops and conditional statements)
- The Document Object Model (DOM)
- Example of JavaScripts on web pages
- Intentionally limited
- Doesn't have the same features as other programming languages (C++, Java)
- Cannot communicate directly with a database or file system on a computer
- However it is great at manipulating web pages
Client/Browser (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) <------ Server (Ruby on Rails, PHP, ASP.NET)
- JavaScript should ENHANCE your audience's experience only.
- Do not rely on JavaScript to add core functionality to your website.
- JavaScript is NOT, has nothing to do with Java.
- JavaScript is just a name that was given to it while JAVA was really popular.
- The official name for JavaScript is ECMAScript
- JavaScript is case sensitive.
- Contains many statements, all ending with a semicolon (;)
- Not sensitive to whitespace or line breaks
- Write one-line comments using //
- Write multi line comments using /**/
- JavaScipt runs from top to bottom