
JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners

Primary LanguageJavaScript


What we will cover in this course

  1. What JavaScript is and when we use it
  2. Basic JavaScript syntax
  3. Working with Data types (integers, strings etc.)
  4. Control flow (loops and conditional statements)
  5. The Document Object Model (DOM)
  6. Example of JavaScripts on web pages

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a scripting language

  1. Intentionally limited
  2. Doesn't have the same features as other programming languages (C++, Java)
  3. Cannot communicate directly with a database or file system on a computer
  4. However it is great at manipulating web pages

JavaScript is a client side language

Client/Browser (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) <------ Server (Ruby on Rails, PHP, ASP.NET)

Do NOT rely on JavaScript

  1. JavaScript should ENHANCE your audience's experience only.
  2. Do not rely on JavaScript to add core functionality to your website.
  3. JavaScript is NOT, has nothing to do with Java.
  4. JavaScript is just a name that was given to it while JAVA was really popular.
  5. The official name for JavaScript is ECMAScript


  1. JavaScript is case sensitive.
  2. Contains many statements, all ending with a semicolon (;)
  3. Not sensitive to whitespace or line breaks
  4. Write one-line comments using //
  5. Write multi line comments using /**/
  6. JavaScipt runs from top to bottom