
Maven - Build Management tool

Primary LanguageHTML

Maven - Project/Build Management tool

Importance of Maven

  1. Central repository to get dependencies
  2. Maintaining common structure across the organization
  3. Flexibility in integrating with CI tools
  4. Plugins for test framework execution

Maven Install

  1. Download the Binary zip archive from https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi
  2. Edit the system environment variables
  3. Create a new System variables; Variable name: MAVEN_HOME and Variable value: maven folder path in the local drive
  4. Click on the Path of System variable and edit and create a new Environment variable copying the maven binary folder path in the local drive
  5. Go to the Command Prompt and check maven version: mvn --version


  1. Maven Surefire Plugin: The Surefire Plugin is used during the test phase of the build lifecycle to execute the unit tests of an application. It generates reports in two different file formats:
  • Plain text files (*.txt)
  • XML files (.xml) By default, these files are generated in ${basedir}/target/surefire-reports/TEST-.xml.
  1. Maven Selenium Java: Selenium provides support for the automation of web browsers. It provides extensions to emulate user interaction with browsers, a distribution server for scaling browser allocation, and the infrastructure for implementations of the W3C WebDriver specification.

  2. Maven TestNG: TestNG is a testing framework inspired from JUnit and NUnit but introducing some new functionalities that make it more powerful and easier to use. It supports test configured by annotations, data-driven testing, parametric tests, etc.

  3. Maven REST Assured: Java DSL for easy testing of REST services

Maven Run

  1. Open the command prompt in the maven project directory
  2. Type [mvn clean] and hit ENTER.
  3. Type [mvn compile] and hit ENTER.
  4. Type [mvn test] and hit ENTER.