- 0
- 6
Issue of install FastCoref in Colab
#59 opened by xiongjun926g - 0
Quote attribution
#58 opened by fakerybakery - 2
- 2
Unusual learning curve
#45 opened by psuwannapich - 0
`predict` performance when using spacy
#57 opened by p8a - 0
Ungrammatical output can be produced when resolving coreference due to replacing verbs with nouns
#55 opened by ksteimel - 1
Unable to use fastcoref with spacy
#46 opened by RuiHe1999 - 1
ValueError on CorefTrainer declaration
#53 opened by nizaress - 5
Fine-tuning model on data with no coreference
#35 opened by ianbstewart - 1
LingMessCoref cannot handle long texts
#47 opened by teowz46 - 0
resolve_text appears to fail for that particular sentence in batch
#52 opened by ScienceWithConscience - 0
BUG: spacy_component not working
#51 opened by alex2awesome - 3
- 3
Finetuning with custom dataset
#50 opened by znadrich-qf - 0
multi-GPU inference?
#49 opened by alex2awesome - 0
- 4
- 2
HF Space is down / has runtime error
#42 opened by Glavin001 - 2
- 1
- 6
overlapping sentences with long texts exceeding max_token_per_batch
#37 opened by davidberenstein1957 - 2
- 3
probability scores?
#22 opened by i-am-neo - 3
Predicting on trained model: errors
#32 opened by ianbstewart - 5
fastcoref 2.1.3 No compatible package found for spacy.lang.en.English object (spaCy v3.5.1)
#30 opened by aaalexlit - 4
pip install fastcoref[train] not working
#29 opened by shon-otmazgin - 3
- 0
prevent install wandb if not for training
#26 opened by aryehgigi - 2
- 4
- 1
mention demo uses LingMessCoref
#21 opened by i-am-neo - 2
doc._.resolved_text does not work
#20 opened by reuvenlivn - 3
dateutil: No module named 'dateutil'
#19 opened by nepp1d0 - 9
How to replace each corefering mention by the main mention in the associated cluster?
#1 opened by PrasenjitGiri - 1
Disable progress bar for inference
#16 opened by radandreicristian - 5
- 7
- 1
add 'output_file' as argument in readme
#9 opened by panagiotidi - 2
Spacy default values
#8 opened by shon-otmazgin - 4
- 2
Spacy component
#5 opened by mlostar - 2
no module names datasets error, what is the error and it is supported python 3.9?
#3 opened by SavitaKumariPandit