
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

LingMess: Linguistically Informed Multi Expert Scorers for Coreference Resolution

This repository is the official implementation of the paper "LingMess: Linguistically Informed Multi Expert Scorers for Coreference Resolution".

Credit: Many code parts were taken from s2e-coref repo.

Table of contents



LingMess model integrated to the pip-installable package fastcoref - https://github.com/shon-otmazgin/fastcoref

In below notebook you will find a walk through demo on how to inference coreference clusters on custom examples.

Open In Colab

Environments and Requirements

Below tested on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS with Python 2.7 and Python 3.7

conda create -y --name py27 python=2.7
conda create -y --name lingmess-coref python=3.7 && conda activate lingmess-coref && pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: Python 2.7 is for OntoNotes dataset preprocess.

Create Datasets

Prepare OntoNotes dataset

Download OntoNotes 5.0 corpus (registration is required).

Important: ontonotes-release-5.0_LDC2013T19.tgz must be under prepare_ontonotes folder.

Setup (~45 min):

cd prepare_ontonotes
chmod 755 setup.sh

Credit: This script was taken from the e2e-coref repo.

Prepare your own custom dataset

Our implementation supports also custom dataset, both for training and inference.

Custom dataset guidelines:

  1. Each dataset split (train/dev/test) should be in separate file.
  2. Each file should be in jsonlines format
  3. Each json line in the file must include these fields:
    1. doc_key (you can use uuid.uuid4().hex to generate)
    2. text or tokens field, if you choose to use text we will run Spacy tokenizer.

option #1:

    {"doc_key": "DOC_KEY_1", "text": "this is document number 1, it's text is raw text"},

option #2:

    {"doc_key": "DOC_KEY_2", "tokens": ["this", "is", "document", "number", "1", ",", "it", "'s", "text", "is", "tokenized"],

Note: Optional - speaker information by token.

Note: If you want to train the model on your own dataset, please provide clusters information as a span start/end indices of the tokens attribute.


Inference on you own dataset

python run.py \
       --model_name_or_path=biu-nlp/lingmess-coref \ 
       --output_file=OUTPUT_FILE_PATH.jsonlines \
       --test_file=PATH_TO_FILE_TO_PREDICT.jsonlines \
       --eval_split=test \
       --max_tokens_in_batch=15000 \

The output file located at OUTPUT_FILE_PATH.jsonlines

The output file includes the predicted clusters. They are a list of coreference clusters such as each cluster contains a list of mention offsets [start, end] . These offsets correspond to the tokenization in the field tokens.

Note: you can find other arguments to configure at cli.py

To Replicate Evaluation on OntoNotes, set --test_file to OntoNotes test file.


Currently the implementation supports ['longformer', 'roberta', 'bert'] transformers, but it should be easy to use any other transformer.

Replicate Train on OntoNotes with Longformer

python run.py \
       --output_dir=lingmess-longformer \
       --overwrite_output_dir \
       --model_name_or_path=allenai/longformer-large-4096 \
       --train_file=prepare_ontonotes/train.english.jsonlines \
       --dev_file=prepare_ontonotes/dev.english.jsonlines \
       --test_file=prepare_ontonotes/test.english.jsonlines \
       --max_tokens_in_batch=5000 \
       --do_train \
       --eval_split=dev \
       --logging_steps=500 \
       --eval_steps=1000 \
       --train_epochs=129 \
       --head_learning_rate=3e-4 \
       --learning_rate=1e-5 \
       --ffnn_size=2048 \
       --experiment_name="lingmess" \
