Route optimization is a python package for optimize deadheads route problem, implementing beam search (BS) algorithm.


This paper discusses a highly effective heuristic procedure for generating optimum and near-optimum solutions for a deadhead route problem with limit route duration which is a variety of the multi traveling salesman problem (MTSP). In practice, temporal aspect is a necessary constraint with respect to the routing problems. MTSP is a NP-hard problem, and computational time of exact algorithm increases exponentially as the number of trips increases. Hence, we present a beam search (BS) algorithm which is a heuristic based on breadth-first branch-and-bound without backtracking to solve the Deadhead route problem. BS filters out worse nodes by a local evaluation and only keep �(called beam width) nodes according to global evaluation at each level. In our BS, both one-step local evaluation and global evaluation are applied to estimate score of nodes by inserting unvisited nodes of a given initial solution. The computational results on test instances from the literature show that our beam search can obtain good solutions with effective computational times for Deadhead route problem with time windows