
App to graph, filter and analyze N26 bank transaction data

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A web-app for graphing, filtering and analyzing N26 bank transactions. Hosted at shone.dev/cashtable


Security measures

This app deals with potentially sensitve personal information, so several steps have been taken to prevent it from being abused:

Local processing only

All processing (filtering, graphing etc.) of bank transaction data happens locally in javascript, without it being sent to an external server.

Zero dependencies

To eliminate the posibility of a malicious transient third-party dependency (like an NPM package) from being introduced, this app is written entirely with vanilla Javascript without a framework, package management or any other kind of third-party dependency.

Restrictive content security policy

The <meta http-equiv='Content-Security-Policy'> directive blocks all cross-origin requests and inline evaluation (except for data-url images for SVGs in CSS). This prevents any potential injection attack from sending personal information to an external server.

Load once

To eliminate the possibility of a malicious .csv file using an injection attack to access the data of a previously loaded .csv file, the app can only load one .csv file per page load.