

Primary LanguagePython


An Implementation of A Lite Bert For Self-Supervised Learning Language Representations with TensorFlow

ALBert is based on Bert, but with some improvements. It achieves state of the art performance on main benchmarks with 30% parameters less.

For albert_base_zh it only has ten percentage parameters compare of original bert model, and main accuracy is retained.

Different version of ALBERT pre-trained model for Chinese, including TensorFlow, PyTorch and Keras, is available now.



***** 2019-10-06: albert_xlarge_zh *****

Released albert_xlarge_zh, 59M parameters, half parameters of bert_base, 200M.

rank top 1 for LCQMC dataset up to now, up 0.5 percentage

***** 2019-10-04: PyTorch and Keras versions of albert were supported *****

Convert to PyTorch version and do your tasks through albert_pytorch

Load pre-trained model with keras using one line of codes through bert4keras

Releasing albert_xlarge on 6th Oct

***** 2019-10-02: albert_large_zh,albert_base_zh *****

Relesed albert_base_zh with only 10% parameters of bert_base, a small model(40M) & training can be very fast.

Relased albert_large_zh with only 16% parameters of bert_base(64M)

***** 2019-09-28: codes and test functions *****

Add codes and test functions for three main changes of albert from bert

模型下载 Download Pre-trained Models of Chinese





3、albert_base_zh(小模型体验版), 参数量12M, 层数12,大小为40M


4、albert_xxlarge may coming recently.

if you want use a albert model with best performance among all pre-trained models, just wait a few days.

ALBERT模型介绍 Introduction of ALBERT

ALBERT模型是BERT的改进版,与最近其他State of the art的模型不同的是,这次是预训练小模型,效果更好、参数更少。

它对BERT进行了三个改造 Three main changes of ALBert from Bert:

1)词嵌入向量参数的因式分解 Factorized embedding parameterization

 O(V * H) to O(V * E + E * H)
 如以ALBert_xxlarge为例,V=30000, H=4096, E=128
 那么原先参数为V * H= 30000 * 4096 = 1.23亿个参数,现在则为V * E + E * H = 30000*128+128*4096 = 384万 + 52万 = 436万,

2)跨层参数共享 Cross-Layer Parameter Sharing


3)段落连续性任务 Inter-sentence coherence loss.


  We maintain that inter-sentence modeling is an important aspect of language understanding, but we propose a loss 
  based primarily on coherence. That is, for ALBERT, we use a sentence-order prediction (SOP) loss, which avoids topic 
  prediction and instead focuses on modeling inter-sentence coherence. The SOP loss uses as positive examples the 
  same technique as BERT (two consecutive segments from the same document), and as negative examples the same two 
  consecutive segments but with their order swapped. This forces the model to learn finer-grained distinctions about
  discourse-level coherence properties. 

其他变化,还有 Other changes:

1)去掉了dropout  Remove dropout to enlarge capacity of model.
    We also note that, even after training for 1M steps, our largest models still do not overfit to their training data. 
    As a result, we decide to remove dropout to further increase our model capacity.
2)为加快训练速度,使用LAMB做为优化器 Use LAMB as optimizer, to train with big batch size
  使用了大的batch_size来训练(4096)。 LAMB优化器使得我们可以训练,特别大的批次batch_size,如高达6万。

3)使用n-gram(uni-gram,bi-gram, tri-gram)来做遮蔽语言模型 Use n-gram as make language model
   本项目中目前使用的是在中文上做whole word mask,稍后会更新一下与n-gram mask的效果对比。n-gram从spanBERT中来。

发布计划 Release Plan

1、albert_base, 参数量12M, 层数12,10月7号

2、albert_large, 参数量18M, 层数24,10月13号

3、albert_xlarge, 参数量59M, 层数24,10月6号

4、albert_xxlarge, 参数量233M, 层数12,10月7号(效果最佳的模型)

训练语料/训练配置 Training Data & Configuration





训练使用TPU v3 Pod,我们使用的是v3-256,它包含32个v3-8。每个v3-8机器,含有128G的显存。

模型性能与对比(英文) Performance and Comparision

中文任务集上效果对比测试 Performance on Chinese datasets

自然语言推断:XNLI of Chinese Version

模型 开发集 测试集
BERT 77.8 (77.4) 77.8 (77.5)
ERNIE 79.7 (79.4) 78.6 (78.2)
BERT-wwm 79.0 (78.4) 78.2 (78.0)
BERT-wwm-ext 79.4 (78.6) 78.7 (78.3)
XLNet 79.2 78.7
RoBERTa-zh-base 79.8 78.8
RoBERTa-zh-Large 80.2 (80.0) 79.9 (79.5)
ALBERT-base 77.0 77.1
ALBERT-large 78.0 77.5
ALBERT-xlarge ? ?
ALBERT-xxlarge ? ?

注:BERT-wwm-ext来自于这里;XLNet来自于这里; RoBERTa-zh-base,指12层RoBERTa中文模型

问题匹配语任务:LCQMC(Sentence Pair Matching)

模型 开发集(Dev) 测试集(Test)
BERT 89.4(88.4) 86.9(86.4)
ERNIE 89.8 (89.6) 87.2 (87.0)
BERT-wwm 89.4 (89.2) 87.0 (86.8)
BERT-wwm-ext - -
RoBERTa-zh-base 88.7 87.0
RoBERTa-zh-Large 89.9(89.6) 87.2(86.7)
RoBERTa-zh-Large(20w_steps) 89.7 87.0
ALBERT-zh-base 87.2 86.3
ALBERT-large 88.7 87.1
ALBERT-xlarge 87.3 87.7
ALBERT-xxlarge ? ?


语言模型、文本段预测准确性、训练时间 Mask Language Model Accuarcy & Training Time

Model MLM eval acc SOP eval acc Training(Hours) Loss eval
albert_zh_base 79.1% 99.0% 6h 1.01
albert_zh_large 80.9% 98.6% 22.5h 0.93
albert_zh_xlarge ? ? 53h(预估) ?
albert_zh_xxlarge ? ? 106h(预估) ?

注:? 将很快替换

模型参数和配置 Configuration of Models

代码实现和测试 Implementation and Code Testing


python test_changes.py

预训练 Pre-training

生成特定格式的文件(tfrecords) Generate tfrecords Files

Run following command 运行以下命令即可。项目自动了一个示例的文本文件(data/news_zh_1.txt)

   bash create_pretrain_data.sh


Support English and Other Non-Chinese Language:
If you are doing pre-train fro english or other language,which is not chinese, 
you should set hyperparameter of non_chinese to True on create_pretraining_data.py; 
otherwise, by default it is doing chinese pre-train using whole word mask of chinese.

执行预训练 pre-training on GPU/TPU using the command

export BERT_BASE_DIR=albert_config
nohup python3 run_pretraining.py --input_file=./data/tf*.tfrecord  \
--output_dir=my_new_model_path --do_train=True --do_eval=True --bert_config_file=$BERT_BASE_DIR/albert_config_xxlarge.json \
--train_batch_size=4096 --max_seq_length=512 --max_predictions_per_seq=76 \
--num_train_steps=125000 --num_warmup_steps=12500 --learning_rate=0.00176    \
--save_checkpoints_steps=2000   --init_checkpoint=$BERT_BASE_DIR/bert_model.ckpt &

TPU, add something like this:
    --use_tpu=True  --tpu_name=grpc:// --tpu_zone=us-central1-a

下游任务 Fine-tuning on Downstream Task



We will use LCQMC dataset for fine-tuning, it is oral language corpus, it is used to train and predict semantic similarity of a pair of sentences.



1. Clone this project:
      git clone https://github.com/brightmart/albert_zh.git
2. Fine-tuning by running the following command:

    export BERT_BASE_DIR=./albert_large_zh
    export TEXT_DIR=./lcqmc
    nohup python3 run_classifier.py   --task_name=lcqmc_pair   --do_train=true   --do_eval=true   --data_dir=$TEXT_DIR   --vocab_file=./albert_config/vocab.txt  \
    --bert_config_file=./albert_config/albert_config_large.json --max_seq_length=128 --train_batch_size=64   --learning_rate=2e-5  --num_train_epochs=3 \
    --output_dir=albert_large_lcqmc_checkpoints --init_checkpoint=$BERT_BASE_DIR/bert_model.ckpt &
    1) you need to download pre-trained chinese albert model, and also download LCQMC dataset 
    你需要下载预训练的模型,并放入到项目当前项目,假设目录名称为albert_large_zh; 需要下载LCQMC数据集,并放入到当前项目,

    2) for Fine-tuning, you can try to add small percentage of dropout(e.g. 0.1) by changing parameters of 
      attention_probs_dropout_prob & hidden_dropout_prob on albert_config_xxx.json. By default, we set dropout as zero.  
download pre-trained model, and convert to PyTorch using:
  python convert_albert_tf_checkpoint_to_pytorch.py     

using albert_pytorch


bert4keras 适配albert,能成功加载albert_zh的权重,只需要在load_pretrained_model函数里加上albert=True

load pre-trained model with bert4keras

12G显存机器-支持的序列长度与批次大小的关系 Trade off between batch Size and sequence length

System Seq Length Max Batch Size
albert-base 64 64
... 128 32
... 256 16
... 320 14
... 384 12
... 512 6
albert-large 64 12
... 128 6
... 256 2
... 320 1
... 384 0
... 512 0
albert-xlarge - -

学习曲线 Training Loss of xlarge of albert_zh

所有的参数 Parameters of albert_xlarge

技术交流与问题讨论QQ群: 836811304 Join us on QQ group

If you have any question, you can raise an issue, or send me an email: brightmart@hotmail.com;

Currently how to use PyTorch version of albert is not clear yet, if you know how to do that, just email us or open an issue.

You can also send pull request to report you performance on your task or add methods on how to load models for PyTorch and so on.

If you have ideas for generate best performance pre-training Chinese model, please also let me know.

Research supported with Cloud TPUs from Google's TensorFlow Research Cloud (TFRC)

Cite Us

Bright Liang Xu, albert_zh, (2019), GitHub repository, https://github.com/brightmart/albert_zh


1、ALBERT: A Lite BERT For Self-Supervised Learning Of Language Representations

2、BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding

3、SpanBERT: Improving Pre-training by Representing and Predicting Spans

4、RoBERTa: A Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach

5、Large Batch Optimization for Deep Learning: Training BERT in 76 minutes(LAMB)

6、LAMB Optimizer,TensorFlow version

