
Transform/map CSV file into a different structure CSV using simple CSV based mapping and go templates

Primary LanguageGo

CSV Mapper

Transform/map CSV file into a different structure CSV using simple CSV based mapping and go templates


$ csvmapper mapping.csv from.csv to.csv

Mapping file has a simple structure

to from flags
field1 other file's field 2 required
field2 other file's field 1

Required will make the row ignored if the field has no value in it. Also, if merge lines option is set the fields having no required field will be count as an extension for the previous row:

to from flags
A a required
B b
C c

...with csv input:

a b c
foo1 bar1 bazz
bar2 bazz2

will result:

foo1 bar1ƒbar2 bazzƒbazz2

Where ƒ is the default separator, can be set with separator option.

Extra possibilities

Go Template

You can use go templates:

to from flags
name productname.{{ printf "%-10s" .value }}
price p1.{{if .line.p2}}{{.line.p2}}{{else}}{{.line.p1}}{{end}}

Templates have to start with field name (even if .value is not used in the template), then .{{ and has to finish with }}.

Possible values:

name description
.value Value from field identified by name before first .{{
.line The whole line, can be used like {{.line.other_field}}
.in_key Header value of the input file
.out_key Header value of the output file


to from flags
vars CONCAT | \
A:{{ .line.a }} \
B:{{ .line.b }} \

Will result

... vars ...
... A:foo|B:bar ...