Decentralised Content Subscription - NEAR


The end goal of this project is to build a peer-to-peer subscription model, but with a rust smart contract on the NEAR blockchain as the backend / database.

Creators will be able to store content as a String that can be anything from markdown, ready to be parsed on the frontend or a link to a privately hosted media. Storing anything but a String as content is likely very difficult and for reasons explored here it is not preferred.

A profile can be either a consumer or a creator, with creators being able to store content, and set a price for their content.

To Do


  • Build out the data struct and methods for the smart contract
  • Make the subscription methods payable and apply a payment logic
  • Build out the tests
  • Deploy on testnet
  • Build out integration tests using workspaces-rs
  • Update payment model to that outlined in blog post


  • Decide on framework (vanilla-js, next.js, vue, react or yew/rocket-rs??)
  • Build the frontend design
  • Connect to the contract
  • Build frontend tests

Next Steps

  • Audit / secure the contract
    • add account guards for appropriate get methods
    • research other possible areas (re-entrancy etc)
  • Make a parent contract that creates a single contract for a single Profile
    • Research on chain contract creation and cross-contract calls
  • Found a useful link for basic contract fundamentals