
digdag plugin for AWS ECS Task

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Jitpack Release CI Status Badge Test CI Status Badge Digdag

digdag plugin for AWS ECS Task.


  • Plugin type: operator


      - https://jitpack.io
      - pro.civitaspo:digdag-operator-ecs_task:0.1.3
    auth_method: profile
      type: s3
      uri: ${output}
    family_prefix: hello-
    cluster: ${cluster}
    network_mode: host
    memory: 1 GB
    task_role_arn: ${task_role_arn}

      network_mode: host
        - name: step1
          image: civitaspo/python-awscli:latest
          command: [echo, step1]
          essential: true
          memory: 500
          cpu: 1
      family: step1
    count: 1
      network_mode: host
        - name: step2
          image: civitaspo/python-awscli:latest
          command: [echo, step2]
          essential: true
          memory: 500
          cpu: 1
      family: step2
    count: 1
      network_mode: host
        - name: step3
          image: civitaspo/python-awscli:latest
            - sh
            - -c
            - echo '{"store_params":{"civi":"taspo"}}' | aws s3 cp - ${output}/${session_uuid}.json
          essential: true
          memory: 500
          cpu: 1
      task_role_arn: ${task_role_arn}
      family: step3
    count: 1
    result_s3_uri: ${output}/${session_uuid}.json

    echo>: ${civi}

    ecs_task.sh>: env
    image: civitaspo/digdag-awscli:latest
        message: 'hello ecs_task.rb'
        created_by: civitaspo

    ecs_task.rb>: echo
    require: echo
    gem_install: [awesome_print]
    image: civitaspo/ruby-awscli:latest
        message: 'hello ecs_task.rb'
        created_by: civitaspo

    ecs_task.py>: echo.echo
    pip_install: [PyYaml]
    image: civitaspo/python-awscli:latest
        message: 'hello ecs_task.py'
        created_by: civitaspo

    path_prefix: ./csv/
        type: file
        path_prefix: ${path_prefix}
          charset: UTF-8
          newline: CRLF
          type: csv
          delimiter: ','
          quote: '"'
          escape: '"'
          null_string: 'NULL'
          skip_header_lines: 0
            - {name: id, type: long}
            - {name: comment, type: string}
        type: stdout
    image: civitaspo/embulk-awscli:latest

    ecs_task.embulk>: template.yml
    image: civitaspo/embulk-awscli:latest

See example.



  • type DurationParam is strings matched \s*(?:(?<days>\d+)\s*d)?\s*(?:(?<hours>\d+)\s*h)?\s*(?:(?<minutes>\d+)\s*m)?\s*(?:(?<seconds>\d+)\s*s)?\s*.
    • The strings is used as java.time.Duration.

Common Configuration

System Options

Define the below options on properties (which is indicated by -c, --config).

  • ecs_task.allow_auth_method_env: Indicates whether users can use auth_method "env" (boolean, default: false)
  • ecs_task.allow_auth_method_instance: Indicates whether users can use auth_method "instance" (boolean, default: false)
  • ecs_task.allow_auth_method_profile: Indicates whether users can use auth_method "profile" (boolean, default: false)
  • ecs_task.allow_auth_method_properties: Indicates whether users can use auth_method "properties" (boolean, default: false)
  • ecs_task.allow_auth_method_web_identity_token: Indicates whether users can use auth_method "web_identity_token" (boolean, default: false)
  • ecs_task.assume_role_timeout_duration: Maximum duration which server administer allows when users assume role_arn. (DurationParam, default: 1h)
  • ecs_task.default_web_identity_token_file: Path to a web identity token file. (string, optional)
  • ecs_task.default_web_identity_role_arn: AWS Role when using a web identity token. (string, optional)


  • ecs_task.access_key_id: The AWS Access Key ID (optional)
  • ecs_task.secret_access_key: The AWS Secret Access Key (optional)
  • ecs_task.session_token: The AWS session token. This is used only auth_method is "session" (optional)
  • ecs_task.role_arn: The AWS Role to assume. (optional)
  • ecs_task.role_session_name: The AWS Role Session Name when assuming the role. (default: digdag-ecs_task-${session_uuid})
  • ecs_task.http_proxy.host: proxy host (required if use_http_proxy is true)
  • ecs_task.http_proxy.port proxy port (optional)
  • ecs_task.http_proxy.scheme "https" or "http" (default: "https")
  • ecs_task.http_proxy.user proxy user (optional)
  • ecs_task.http_proxy.password: http proxy password (optional)


  • auth_method: name of mechanism to authenticate requests ("basic", "env", "instance", "profile", "properties", "anonymous", or "session". default: "basic")
    • "basic": uses access_key_id and secret_access_key to authenticate.
    • "env": uses AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID (or AWS_ACCESS_KEY) and AWS_SECRET_KEY (or AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) environment variables.
    • "instance": uses EC2 instance profile.
    • "profile": uses credentials written in a file. Format of the file is as following, where [...] is a name of profile.
      • profile_file: path to a profiles file. (string, default: given by AWS_CREDENTIAL_PROFILES_FILE environment varialbe, or ~/.aws/credentials).
      • profile_name: name of a profile. (string, default: "default")
    • "properties": uses aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey Java system properties.
    • "anonymous": uses anonymous access. This auth method can access only public files.
    • "session": uses temporary-generated access_key_id, secret_access_key and session_token.
    • "web_identity_token": uses web identity token.
      • web_identity_token_file: path to a web identity token file. (string, default: given by ecs_task.default_web_identity_token_file)
      • web_identity_role_arn: aws role arn when using a web identity token. (string, default: given by ecs_task.default_web_identity_role_arn)
  • use_http_proxy: Indicate whether using when accessing AWS via http proxy. (boolean, default: false)
  • region: The AWS region. (string, optional)
  • endpoint: The AWS Service endpoint. (string, optional)

Configuration for ecs_task.register> operator

Configuration for ecs_task.run> operator

The configuration is the same as the snake-cased RunTask API.

In addition, the below configurations exist.

  • def: The definition for the task. The configuration is the same as ecs_task.register>'s one. (map, optional)
    • NOTE: task_definition is required on the RunTask API Doc, but it is not required if the def is defined.
  • result_s3_uri: The S3 uri for the task result. (string, optional)
    • NOTE: This configuration is used by ecs_task.result> operator, so the result content must follow the rule.
  • timeout: Timeout duration for the task. (DurationParam, default: 15m)

Configuration for ecs_task.wait> operator

  • cluster: The short name or full ARN of the cluster that hosts the tasks. (string, required)
  • tasks: A list of up to 100 task IDs or full ARN entries. (array of string, required)
  • timeout: Timeout duration for the tasks. (DurationParam, default: 15m)
  • condition: The condition of tasks to wait. Available values are "all" or "any". (string, default: "all")
  • status: The status of tasks to wait. Available values are "PENDING", "RUNNING", or "STOPPED" (string, default: "STOPPED")
  • ignore_failure: Ignore even if any tasks exit with any status. This option is true, then the behaviour includes one of when ignore_exit_code is true. (boolean, default: false)
  • ignore_exit_code: Ignore even if any tasks exit with any exit code. When the containers of the task include one that does not have exit code, it is not ignored even if this option is true. (boolean, default: false)
  • polling_strategy: The polling strategy settings of wait.
    • interval_type: The interval type of wait. Available values are "constant" or "exponential". (string, default: "constant")
    • limit: Max number of polling try. (integer, optional)
    • interval: Delay interval of wait. The time unit is seconds. (integer, default: 1)

Configuration for ecs_task.result> operator

  • ecs_task.result>: S3 URI that the result is stored. (string, required)
    • NOTE: The result content must follow the below rule.
      • the format is json.
      • the keys are "subtask_config", "export_params", "store_params".
      • the values are string to object map.

(Experimental) Scripting Operators

digdag-operator-ecs_task supports some scripting operators such as ecs_task.py, ecs_task.rb. Originally I wanted to provide ecs_task as one of the implementations of CommandExecutor provided by digdag, but users cannot extend the current CommandExecutor as written in this issue: [feature-request] Use Custom CommandExecutors. Therefore, this plugin implements Scripting Operator on its own. Of course, the usage is the same as the Scripting Operator provided by digdag. When the issue is resolved, I will reimplement it using the CommandExecutor of digdag.

Scripting Operators Common Configurations

  • max_retry: Max number of retry when scripting container has no exit code. (integer, default: 3)
  • sidecars: A list of container definitions except the container for scripting operator. (array of map, optional)
  • cpu: The number of CPU units used by the task. It can be expressed as an integer using CPU units, for example 1024, or as a string using vCPUs, for example 1 vCPU or 1 vcpu, in a task definition. String values are converted to an integer indicating the CPU units when the task definition is registered. (string, optional)
  • ephemeral_storage: The amount of ephemeral storage to allocate for the task. This parameter is used to expand the total amount of ephemeral storage available, beyond the default amount, for tasks hosted on AWS Fargate. For more information, see AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition EphemeralStorage. (map, optional)
  • execution_role_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task execution role that the Amazon ECS container agent and the Docker daemon can assume. (string, optional)
  • family_prefix: The family name prefix for a task definition. This is used if family is not defined. (string, default: "")
  • family_infix: The family name infix for a task definition. This is used if family is not defined. (string, default: "${task_name}")
  • family_suffix: The family name sufix for a task definition. This is used if family is not defined. (string, default: "")
  • family: You must specify a family for a task definition, which allows you to track multiple versions of the same task definition. The family is used as a name for your task definition. Up to 255 letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed. If invalid charactors are found, these are replaced to "_". (string, default: "${family_prefix}${family_infix}${family_suffix}")
  • memory: The amount of memory (in MiB) used by the task. It can be expressed as an integer using MiB, for example 1024, or as a string using GB, for example 1GB or 1 GB, in a task definition. String values are converted to an integer indicating the MiB when the task definition is registered. (string, optional)
  • network_mode: The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in the task. The valid values are none, bridge, awsvpc, and host. The default Docker network mode is bridge. If using the Fargate launch type, the awsvpc network mode is required. If using the EC2 launch type, any network mode can be used. If the network mode is set to none, you can't specify port mappings in your container definitions, and the task's containers do not have external connectivity. The host and awsvpc network modes offer the highest networking performance for containers because they use the EC2 network stack instead of the virtualized network stack provided by the bridge mode. With the host and awsvpc network modes, exposed container ports are mapped directly to the corresponding host port (for the host network mode) or the attached elastic network interface port (for the awsvpc network mode), so you cannot take advantage of dynamic host port mappings. If the network mode is awsvpc, the task is allocated an Elastic Network Interface, and you must specify the network_configuration option when you create a service or run a task with the task definition. For more information, see Task Networking in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. If the network mode is host, you can't run multiple instantiations of the same task on a single container instance when port mappings are used. Docker for Windows uses different network modes than Docker for Linux. When you register a task definition with Windows containers, you must not specify a network mode. (string, optional)
  • requires_compatibilities: The launch type required by the task. If no value is specified, it defaults to EC2. (string, optional)
  • task_role_arn: The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that containers in this task can assume. All containers in this task are granted the permissions that are specified in this role. (string, optional)
  • volumes: A list of volume definitions. (array of map, optional)
    • The configuration map is the same as the snake-cased API_Volume.
  • depends_on: The dependencies defined for container startup and shutdown. A container can contain multiple dependencies. When a dependency is defined for container startup, for container shutdown it is reversed. For more informaiton, see ECS-Type-ContainerDefinition-dependsOn. (array of map, optional)
  • disable_networking: When this parameter is true, networking is disabled within the container. (boolean, optional)
  • dns_search_domains: A list of DNS search domains that are presented to the container. (array of string, optional)
  • dns_servers: A list of DNS servers that are presented to the container. (array of string, optional)
  • docker_labels: A key/value map of labels to add to the container. (string to string map, optional)
  • docker_security_options: A list of strings to provide custom labels for SELinux and AppArmor multi-level security systems. This field is not valid for containers in tasks using the Fargate launch type. For more information, see ECS-Type-ContainerDefinition-dockerSecurityOptions. (array of string, optional)
  • entry_point: The entry point that is passed to the container. (array of string, optional)
  • environments: The environment variables to pass to a container. (string to string map, optional)
  • extra_hosts: A list of hostnames and IP address mappings to append to the /etc/hosts file on the container. This parameter is not supported for Windows containers or tasks that use the awsvpc network mode. (string to string map, optional)
  • health_check: The health check command and associated configuration parameters for the container. The configuration map is the same as the snake-cased APIReference/API_HealthCheck. (map, optional)
  • hostname: The hostname to use for your container. (string, optional)
  • image: The image used to start a container. This string is passed directly to the Docker daemon. Images in the Docker Hub registry are available by default. Other repositories are specified with either repository-url/image:tag or repository-url/image@digest. Up to 255 letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, hyphens, underscores, colons, periods, forward slashes, and number signs are allowed. For more information, see ECS-Type-ContainerDefinition-image. (string, optional)
  • interactive: When this parameter is true, this allows you to deploy containerized applications that require stdin or a tty to be allocated. (boolean, optional)
  • links: The link parameter allows containers to communicate with each other without the need for port mappings. Only supported if the network mode of a task definition is set to bridge. The name:internalName construct is analogous to name:alias in Docker links. Up to 255 letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed. (array of string, optional)
  • linux_parameters: Linux-specific modifications that are applied to the container, such as Linux KernelCapabilities. The configuration map is the same as the snake-cased API_LinuxParameters. (map, optional)
  • log_configuration: The log configuration specification for the container. For more information, see ECS-Type-ContainerDefinition-logConfiguration. The configuration map is the same as the snake-cased API_LogConfiguration. (map, optional)
  • firelens_configuration: The fireLens configuration for the container. For more information, see ECS-Type-ContainerDefinition-firelensConfiguration.
  • mount_points: The mount points for data volumes in your container. (array of map, optional)
    • The configuration map is the same as the snake-cased API_MountPoint.
  • container_name: The name of a container. (string, default: the same as family)
  • port_mappings: The list of port mappings for the container. Port mappings allow containers to access ports on the host container instance to send or receive traffic. For more informaiton, see ECS-Type-ContainerDefinition-portMappings. (array of map, optional)
  • privileged: When this parameter is true, the container is given elevated privileges on the host container instance (similar to the root user). (boolean, optional)
  • pseudo_terminal: When this parameter is true, a TTY is allocated. (boolean, optional)
  • readonly_root_filesystem: When this parameter is true, the container is given read-only access to its root file system. (boolean, optional)
  • repository_credentials: The private repository authentication credentials to use. The configuration map is the same as the snake-cased API_RepositoryCredentials. (map, optional)
  • secrets: The secrets to pass to the container. (array of map, optional)
    • The configuration map is the same as the snake-cased API_Secret.
  • system_controls: A list of namespaced kernel parameters to set in the container. For more information, see ECS-Type-ContainerDefinition-systemControls. (array of map, optional)
  • ulimits: A list of ulimits to set in the container. (array of map, optional)
    • The configuration map is the same as the snake-cased API_Ulimit.
  • user: The user name to use inside the container. (string, optional)
  • volumes_from: Data volumes to mount from another container. (array of map, optional)
  • working_directory: The working directory in which to run commands inside the container. (string, optional)
  • capacity_provider_strategy: An array of capacity provider strategy items to control capacity providers. (array of map, optional)
  • cluster: The short name or full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the cluster on which to run your task. (string, required)
  • count: The number of instantiations of the specified task to place on your cluster. You can specify up to 10 tasks per call. (integer, optional)
  • group: The name of the task group to associate with the task. The default value is the family name of the task definition (for example, family:my-family-name). (string, optional)
  • launch_type: The launch type on which to run your task. Valid values are EC2, FARGATE. (string, optional)
  • network_configuration: The network configuration for the task. This parameter is required for task definitions that use the awsvpc network mode to receive their own Elastic Network Interface, and it is not supported for other network modes. For more information, see Task Networking in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. The configuration map is the same as the snake-cased API_NetworkConfiguration. (map, optional)
  • overrides: A list of container overrides that specify the name of a container in the specified task definition and the overrides it should receive. The configuration map is the same as the snake-cased API_TaskOverride. (map, optional)
  • placement_constraints: An array of placement constraint objects to use for the task. You can specify up to 10 constraints per task. (array of map, optional)
  • placement_strategy: The placement strategy objects to use for the task. You can specify a maximum of five strategy rules per task. (array of map, optional)
  • platform_version: The platform version on which to run your task. If one is not specified, the latest version is used by default. (string, optional)
  • started_by: An optional tag specified when a task is started. (string, optional)
  • tags: The metadata that you apply to the task to help you categorize and organize them. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. Tag keys can have a maximum character length of 128 characters, and tag values can have a maximum length of 256 characters. (string to string map, optional)
    • For using this option, require [migrating Amazon ECS deployment to the new ARN and resource ID format](Migrating your Amazon ECS deployment to the new ARN and resource ID format).
  • shell: The shell command in your container. (string, default: "sh")
    • You can set the absolute path of the command.
    • This option does not support "dash".
  • workspace_s3_uri_prefix: S3 uri prefix for using as workspace. (string, required)
    • Currently, input params, output params, stdout, stderr, and internal scripts are put on S3, and then they are not removed. So it's insecure unless strict access control to S3.
    • This option is deprecated. Please use tmp_storage option instead.
  • tmp_storage: Temporary storage for the data and files scripting operator uses. (map, required)
    • type: storage type. Currently, only "s3" is valid. (string, required)
    • uri: storage uri. (string, required)

Configuration for ecs_task.py> operator

  • ecs_task.py>: Name of a method to run. The format is [PACKAGE.CLASS.]METHOD. (string, required)
  • pip_install: packages to install before task running. (array of string, optional)

Configuration for ecs_task.rb> operator

  • ecs_task.rb>: Name of a method to run. The format is [MODULE::CLASS.]METHOD. (string, required)
  • gem_install: packages to install before task running. (array of string, optional)
  • require: Name of a file to require. e.g. require: task/my_workflow (string, required)

Configuration for ecs_task.sh> operator

  • ecs_task.sh>: command to run on shell. (string, required)

Configuration for ecs_task.embulk> operator

  • ecs_task.embulk>: Embulk config yaml or file. You can use digdag's template engine like ${...} in the config yaml or file. (string or map, required)
  • embulk_plugins: packages to install before task running. (array of string, optional)


Run an Example

1) build

./gradlew publish

Artifacts are build on local repos: ./build/repo.

2) get your aws profile

aws configure

3) run an example

./example/run.sh ${ECS Cluster Name} ${S3 URI Prefix for tmp storage} ${ECS Task Role ARN}

(TODO) Run Tests

./gradlew test




Apache License 2.0

