

First steps:

  • build projects (see respective readme's)
  • create repositories in dockerHub: shop-cart, shop-product & shop-product-mongo
docker login
docker tag techtests/shopcart:latest davidgfolch/shop-cart:latest
docker tag techtests/shopproduct:latest davidgfolch/shop-product:latest
docker tag mongo:latest davidgfolch/shop-product-mongo:latest
docker push davidgfolch/shop-cart
docker push davidgfolch/shop-product
docker push davidgfolch/shop-product-mongo

Minikube setup

Enable ingress addon on minikube, or see the generic documentation for other platforms

minikube addons enable ingress
kubectl get pods -n kube-system

Deploy on kubernetes

kubectl delete all --all
kubectl delete ingress shop-ingress

kubectl create -f deployment.yml
# or
kubectl apply -f deployment.yml

Examine application deployment:

kubectl get all
kubectl get ingress
kubectl describe service shop
kubectl describe pod shop-product
kubectl describe ingress shop-ingress

# see logs
kubectl logs --follow shop-cart
kubectl logs --follow shop-product
kubectl logs --follow shop-product-mongo

# execute command in container
kubectl exec -it shop-product-mongo -- WhatEverLlinuxCommand
# debugging ingress
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
kubectl logs --follow nginx-ingress-controller-6fc5bcc8c9-bcmb9 -n kube-system

minikube dashboard

Debuging nginx ingress

kubectl get pods -n kube-system
kubectl get deployment -n kube-system nginx-ingress-controller -o yaml > nginx.tmp.yaml
nano nginx.tmp.yaml
      - args:
        - --v=5
kubectl apply -f nginx.tmp.yaml -n kube-system

Mongo data init

Dump from existing data

#dump (binary)
kubectl exec -it product-mongo-pod -- sh -c 'exec mongodump -u admin -p password --authenticationDatabase=admin -d productDb --archive' > mongo-dump-all-collections.archive
#export (json format)
kubectl exec -it product-mongo-pod -- sh -c 'exec mongoexport -u admin -p password --authenticationDatabase=admin --db=productDb --collection=product --out=out.json'
kubectl exec -it product-mongo-pod -- sh -c 'exec cat out.json' > mongo-export-all-collections.json
kubectl exec -it product-mongo-pod -- sh -c 'exec mongoimport -u admin -p password --authenticationDatabase=admin --db=productDb --collection=product --type json --file /out.json'

Mongo shell: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/write-scripts-for-the-mongo-shell/

kubectl exec -it product-mongo-pod -- sh
mongo -u admin -p password 
show dbs
use productDb
show collections

Run front-end application

Front-end is outside of kubernetes at the moment, or you can set simply localhost:

REACT_APP_BACK_END_SERVER_IP=<ingressIp> yarn start