
Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

Shopbay Console - Open Source Ecommerce Platform


  • shopbay-schema
  • shopbay-kernel


To see how to use a command, we can execute php console help <command-name> or ./console help <command-name>

And to execute a command, we can use the following command format: php console <command-name> [parameters...] or ./console <command-name> [parameters...]



  1. in terminal : crontab -e
  2. press i to go into vim's insert mode
  3. type your cron job Ex : 30 * * * * php /base_path/console/console [parameters...]
  4. press esc to exit vim's insert mode
  5. type ZZ ( must be capital letters ) or :x
  6. verify by using crontab -l

The cronTab, by default, will send an email notification whenever a scheduled task is executed. In many circumstances, though, this just isn't needed. We can easily suppress this functionality, though, by redirecting the standard output of this command to the 'black hole' or /dev/null device.

More crontab help

Example 1

The crontab comprises five entries indicating the schedule time, and also the name and path of the program to be run. Use a space or a tab between each entry:

minute(0-59) hour(0-23) day_of_month(1-31) month(1-12) day_of_week(0-7) /path/script.sh

You can replace a field value with "*". So:

    0 10 * * * /path/script.sh 

is the same as

    0 10 1-31 1-12 0-7 /path/script.sh 

The script concerned would run at 10 each morning.

Example 2

Run InventoryCommand scan every day 3am

    0 3 * * * php /base_path/console/console inventory scan >/dev/null

Run NotificationCommand every 5 minutes

    */5 * * * * php /base_path/console/console notification >/dev/null

Run NotificationCommand every 5 hours

    0 */5 * * * php /base_path/console/console notification >/dev/null

Run DatabaseCommand backup every day 2am

    0 2 * * * php /base_path/console/console database backup --email=[email_address] >/dev/null

Run FileCommand backup a particular directory every Saturday at 3:30am

    30 3 * * 6 php /base_path/console/console file backup --dir=[/path/to/target/dir] >/dev/null

Run FileCommand purge a particular directory every first day of month

    0 0 1 * * php /base_path/console/console file purge --dir=[/path/to/target/dir] --days=[days] >/dev/null

Run ElasticSearchCommand backup repository every first day of month

    0 0 1 * * php /base_path/console/console elasticsearch backup --snapshot=[snapshot] >/dev/null

Run SubscriptionCommand freeTrial every day 4am

    0 4 * * * php /base_path/console/console subscription freetrial >/dev/null

Run SubscriptionCommand housekeeping every day Wednesday 4am

    0 4 * * 3 php /base_path/console/console subscription housekeeping >/dev/null

Actual crontab example

    0 2 * * 6 php /path/console database backup --db=[db_name] --email=[email_address] >/dev/null
    */5 * * * * php /path/console notification >/dev/null
    0 0 30 * * php /path/console/console file purge --dir=/home/shopbay/beta_prod/merchant/www/uploads --days=30 >/dev/null
    0 3 * * 5 php /path/console file backup --dir=/home/shopbay/beta_prod/customer/www/files >/dev/null
    #0 3 * * 5 php /path/console file backup --dir=/home/shopbay/beta_prod/common/modules/wcm/content >/dev/null
    0 3 * * 6 php /path/console elasticsearch backup --snapshot=beta_prod_snapshot >/dev/null
    0 3 * * * php /path/console inventory scan >/dev/null
    0 4 * * * php /path/console subscription freetrial >/dev/null
    0 4 * * 3 php /path/console subscription housekeeping >/dev/null