Frontend extension which shows the upselling/related products slider on a Product Detail Page.
Currently it's possible to configure a slider which is rendered on the Product Detail Page and a product list which is shown as a Sheet/Drawer after user adds a product to a cart on Product Detail Page.
The configuration is done in the deployment process, as an extension config.
Product Detail Page configuration is an array of json objects, each with the following schema
"productPage": [
"type": "Relation type. If empty no slider is rendered on Product Page. Possible: upselling, property, crossSelling, bonus, boughtWith, custom.",
"position": "Portal position. If empty no slider is rendered on Product Page. Possible portal positions: product.description.before, product.description.after, product.header.after,,",
"headline": "Headline text rendered before the slider. If null or empty string, not headline is rendered.",
"showPrice": "Boolean. If not true, no product price is shown",
"showName": "Boolean. If not true, no product name is shown",
"nameLines": "Number. Maximum lines item name should be possible. If empty defaults to 2",
"property": "(optional) can be used when type is set to 'property', refers to the product property to show the related products with. Product ids needs to be comma seperated ids of the products related (e.g \"1,2,3\")"
Product page add to cart sheet is a json with following schema:
"productPageAddToCart": {
"type": "Relation type. If empty Sheet will never appear. Possible: upselling, crossSelling, bonus, boughtWith, custom.",
"headline": "Headline text rendered as a Sheet title. If empty Sheet will never appear.",
"showPrice": "Boolean. If not true, no product price is shown",
"showName": "Boolean. If not true, no product name is shown",
"nameLines": "Number. Maximum lines item name should be possible. If empty defaults to 2",
"maxItemsPerLine": "Number. Maximum items per line. If empty defaults to 3. Must be a number between 1 and 3."
See file for more information.
See file for more information.
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Shopgate offers everything online retailers need to be successful in mobile. Our leading software-as-a-service (SaaS) enables online stores to easily create, maintain and optimize native apps and mobile websites for the iPhone, iPad, Android smartphones and tablets.
This extension is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
See the LICENSE file for more information.