
Test and explore shopinvader

Primary LanguagePython

Shopinvader getting started

Get a local demo of Shopinvader in a minimum of steps.


docker-compose https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/

git (optional, you can manually download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shopinvader/shopinvader-getting-started/master/docker-compose.yml)

Port 80 should be free.

Wildcard should work on localhost


git clone https://github.com/shopinvader/shopinvader-getting-started
cd shopinvader-getting-started
docker-compose up -d
git clone https://github.com/shopinvader/shopinvader-template template
docker-compose run --service-port wagon
wagon deploy test -d -v

The following ports will be open on your host: 80

Odoo ERP

Access Odoo from http://odoo.localhost

Login: admin

Password: admin

Odoo is an ERP system. It's the backend of shopinvader, where you manage products, handle sale orders, manage shipping and do the invoicing / accounting.


E-commerce website: https://locomotive.localhost

It's the front page of the store.

CMS Admin panel http://locomotive.localhost/locomotive

Login: demo@shopinvader.com

Password: akretion

The CMS Admin panel is used to create marketing content like a blog.


Preview changes in the theme with wagon:

$ docker-compose run wagon
ubuntu@wagon $ bundle exec wagon serve 

Access http://wagon.localhost

Configure the environment in template/config/deploy.yml (copy paste info from http://locomotive.localhost/locomotive Developpers > Wagon

  host: http://locomotive.localhost
  handle: demo
  email: demo@shopinvader.com
  api_key: 1234


$ docker-compose run wagon
ubuntu@wagon $ bundle exec wagon deploy dev

(For the first deploy, push the data: $ bundle exec wagon deploy dev -d

If you change the assets (javascript or css), you have to build then deploy:

$ cd shopinvader-template
$ docker run  --rm -v `pwd`:/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app -it node:latest bash
root@node $ yarn
root@node $ yarn build:dev
root@node $ exit
$ cd ..
$ docker-compose run wagon
ubuntu@wagon $ bundle exec wagon deploy dev