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It is now very easy to have your own mobile application, we are introducing a new sdk for android. This Shopiroller SDK let you to closer to your users.

Shopiroller UIKit for Android is a development kit with an user interface, you can customize layout or colors for your use case wahetever you want.

  • shopiroller is where you can find the open source code.
  • root App is a ecommerce a main app to build shopiroller SDK.
  • Other details are explained below.

Before getting started

This section shows you the prerequisites you need for testing Shopiroller UIKit for Android sample apps.

Requirements The minimum requirements for UIKit for Android are:

  • Android 5.0 (API level 21) or higher
  • Java 8 or higher
  • Android Gradle plugin 4.0.1 or higher

Initialize With Credentials

In Shopiroller Listener you can handle user actions with listener. You can implement this listener to your activity or fragment to set user actions when the user clicks the corresponding button.

interface ShopirollerListener {
    fun onBadgeCountChanged(@NonNull count: Int) //ShoppingCart Count Changed
    fun loginNeeded() //UserLogin Needed Handle
    fun onStartShoppingClicked() //Start Order Flow
    fun onDefaultAddressChanged(billingAddressId: String, shippingAddressId: String) //Set Default Address
    fun onNewShippingAddressClicked(activity: FragmentActivity) //Add New Shipping Address
    fun onNewBillingAddressClicked(activity: FragmentActivity) //Add New Billing Address
    fun onEditShippingAddressClicked(activity: FragmentActivity, shippingAddress: UserShippingAddressModel) //Edit Shippinh Address
    fun onEditBillingAddressClicked(activity: FragmentActivity, billingAddressModel: UserBillingAddressModel) //Edit Billing Address
    fun getDefaultAddresses(listener: ShopirollerCallBackListener<DefaultAddressList>) //Get User's default address list
    fun getBillingAddresses(listener: ShopirollerCallBackListener<List<UserBillingAddressModel>>) //Get User's Billing Address List
    fun getShippingAddresses(listener: ShopirollerCallBackListener<List<UserShippingAddressModel>>) //Get User's Shipping Address List

In Shopiroller Interface

  • You can set userLoginStatus to use loginNeeded() function in ShopirollerListener
  • You need to change userId variable with your userId
  • You need to change userEmail variable with your userEmail
  • You need to change userFullName variable with your userFullName
  • You can change your app's colors with edit Theme Class

First you need implement ShopirollerAdapter to your application like below code:

class SampleApplication: Application(), ShopirollerAdapter {

    companion object {
        var shopirollerAdapter: ShopirollerAdapter? = null

    override fun onCreate() {
        shopirollerAdapter = this

    override fun getAppKey(): String {
        return "yourAppKey"

    override fun getApiKey(): String {
        return "yourApiKey"

    override fun getAliasKey(): String? {
        return "yourAliasKey"

    override fun getDefaultLang(): String {
        return "preferredDefaultLanguage"

    override fun getLocale(): String {
        return "preferredLocale"

    override fun getApplyzeBaseURL(): String {
        return "applyzeBaseUrl"

    override fun getShopirollerBaseURL(): String {
        return "shopirollerBaseUrl"

    override fun getActionBarColor(): Int {
        return Color.someColor

After that you need to create instance with init function of Shopiroller Interface you need to add adapter and context as parameter.

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        SampleApplication.shopirollerAdapter?.let { init(it, this@MainActivity) } //We created instance of Shopiroller Interface

Like the code above created instance for shopirollerAdapter in SampleApplication to use our credentials in app.

After that you can create shopirollerFragment in here , like below code :

val shopirollerFragment = ShopirollerFragment()

val fragmentManager = supportFragmentManager
val fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction()

Getting Started

Create a project

Go to your Android Studio and create a project for UIKit for Android in the Project window as follows:

  1. In the Welcome to Android Studio window, click Start a new Android Studio project.
  2. In the Select a Project Template window, select Empty Activity, and click Next.
  3. Enter your project name in the Name field in the Configure your project window.
  4. Select your language as either Java or Kotlin from the Language drop-down menu.
  5. Select minimum API level as 21 or higher.

Install Shopiroller UIKit for Android

You should add code blocks below in the project's top-level build.gradle :

Then, open the build.gradle file at the application level. For Java and Kotlin, add code blocks and dependencies as below:

Note: View binding should be enabled in your build.gradle file.

apply plugin: ''

android {    
    buildFeatures {
        viewBinding true
    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.shopiroller:uikit:0.0.3'

After saving your build.gradle file, click the Sync button to apply all the changes.