
Primary LanguageDockerfile

Shopsys Review Server

This is manual and config files for running review server of Shopsys Platform using GitHub Runner on own VPS via GitHub Actions. GitHub has detailed documentation about self-hosted runners.


Server requirements

For running GitHub runner you need to meet these requirements. Install Docker and Docker Compose.

Create user for runner

On your server create user e.g. github-runner with home directory /home/github-runner and add him to docker group.

Add self-hosted runner in github-runner user home directory

Follow these GitHub docs

Run the runner as service

Follow these GitHub docs

Add Traefik to route requests to correct running application

Copy content of github-runner directory in this repository to /home/github-runner directory on your server Run docker compose up -d to start Traefik

Increase Docker address pool

    sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker/
    sudo mv /home/github-runner/daemon.json /etc/docker/daemon.json
    sudo service docker restart

Run GitHub actions

Your GitHub runner is now ready and accepts connections from GitHub. Config files for GitHub actions can be found in Shopsys Platform repository in .github directory.


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