
An example app for demonstration of some Admin Extension SDK capabilties

Primary LanguageVue

Admin Extension SDK Example App


⚠️ This repository is considered deprecated and will be archived in March 2024. For the new version of this tool please go to meteor-admin-sdk-example-app.

Old Description

This repository contains an example folder structure inside src/static which you can use as an inspiration for your admin extensions in your app. It uses the Admin Extension SDK for extending the administration.

Everything else is just for setting up a basic app server.

Initial setup

  1. Check out this repository somewhere locally.
  2. Run npm install to install all dependencies
  3. Start the development server with npm run dev

App installation

  1. Copy the folder AdminExtensionSDKExampleApp to the custom/apps folder inside your Shopware installation
  2. Install the App in Shopware: bin/console app:install AdminExtensionSDKExampleApp

Now you should see the app installed when opening the Shopware Admin and looking in "Extensions" -> "My Extensions".