
Proposals for Shopware

Proposals for Shopware

In this proposal we are collecting breaking change topics for the next major version. This list is still in work and not final. We want to collect with this repository the feedback from the community and include your topics into the next major.

Prioritization and voting

Ofcourse not all topics are possible to integrate, for this reason we have to priorize any topic by need and the effort. For this reason please use the reactions on the issues to upvote it. 👍


  • 2022-02-03 - This proposal is publish internally
  • 2022-02-11 - This proposal is published on GitHub
  • 2022-02-25 - Closing public feedback round
  • 2022-03-04 - Communicating the planned topics to the community and starting implementing forward compatibiliy in 6.4.x
  • TBD 2023-02 - v6.5.0.0 RC
  • TBD 2022-04 - GA

Proposed topics

All topics can be found in the Github Issues


The board can be found here with the current prioritized topics.