GitHub Repository to File Converter

This Python script allows you to download and process files from a GitHub repository, making it easier to share code with chatbots or other applications that don't automatically download code from GitHub.


  • Download and process files from a GitHub repository
  • Support for both public and private repositories
  • Filter out directories and files with insufficient content
  • Combine all remaining files into a single output file


To download and process files from a GitHub repository, run the following command: python <repository_url>

Replace <repository_url> with the URL of the GitHub repository you want to download. For a private repository, use the following format: python https://:<GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN>

Replace <USERNAME> with your GitHub username and <GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN> with your GitHub personal access token.

Optional Arguments

  • --branch_or_tag: Specify the branch or tag of the repository to download (default: "main").


To download and process files from the Hugging Face Transformers repository, run: python

This will create a file named transformers.txt containing the combined source code from the repository.

To download and process files from a private repository, run:

python https://:<GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN>


The script will create a file named repository_name.txt (e.g., transformers.txt) containing the combined source code from the specified repository. You can then share this file with chatbots or other applications for further analysis or processing.


  • Python 3.x
  • requests library


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.