A Comprehensive Bug Bounty Roadmap

Hey there! I'm Samman Sikarwar a 16 y/o driven individual who secures website's infrastructure by identifying and reporting flaws or vulnerabilities in their system.

Connect - https://linktr.ee/sammansikarwar :)

This repository serves as a roadmap for individual who are intreseted in bug bounty. It contains a curated list of resources and tools to help you get started !

Table of Contents:

- Introduction

- Learning Resources

- CTF's and Practice Labs

- Blogs and Newsletters


First of all you should know what bug bounty is, So A bug bounty program is a security initiative that rewards security researchers for finding and reporting vulnerabilities in an organization's software or systems, making them more secure.

Before breaking into the topics.
I would like to give you a brief note! Many people want to become a bug bounty hunter because of money, they see some of the bug bounty hunter's screenshot earning 5 figures,6 figures of bounties!
First of all, I would like to ask you some questions,

  1. Are you really interested in computers?
  2. Then are you interested in bug hunting? as there are many options you can choose in the field of cybersecurity. Why bug bounty hunting?

You do not have to answer this to me but to yourself. Do you want or not and if yes then why?

And if you are really coming for money only and you do not have interest in bug bounty. Just leave this repository!

Learning Resources


•History and Basics:

° https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpIctyqH29Q&list=PL8dPuuaLjXtNlUrzyH5r6jN9ulIgZBpdo
° https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS9MJjNK6gA&list=PLG49S3nxzAnlGHY8ObL8DiyP3AIu9vd3K

•Computer Networking:

° https://youtu.be/qiQR5rTSshw
° https://youtu.be/IPvYjXCsTg8
° https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LzuIch-wQo&list=PLG49S3nxzAnmpdmX7RoTOyuNJQAb-r-gd
° https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8W9oMNSuwo&list=PLxbwE86jKRgMpuZuLBivzlM8s2Dk5lXBQ
° https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSodBEAJz9Y&list=PLF1hDMPPRqGxpYdo0ctaa7MxfOi9vjs1u



° https://youtu.be/7utwZYKweho
° https://youtu.be/rfscVS0vtbw
° https://youtu.be/_uQrJ0TkZlc


° https://youtu.be/W6NZfCO5SIk
° https://youtu.be/jS4aFq5-91M


° https://youtu.be/OK_JCtrrv-c


° https://youtu.be/HXV3zeQKqGY
° https://youtu.be/p3qvj9hO_Bo
° https://sqlzoo.net/wiki/SQL_Tutorial
° https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming/sql


° https://youtu.be/KJgsSFOSQv0 ° https://youtu.be/87SH2Cn0s9A

•(Operating Systems)

Bash & Linux:

° https://youtu.be/ZtqBQ68cfJc
° https://youtu.be/U1w4T03B30I
° https://youtu.be/tK9Oc6AEnR4


° https://youtu.be/z2r-p7xc7c4
° https://youtu.be/Jfvg3CS1X3A

•CTF's and Practice Labs

° https://www.vulnhub.com/
° https://tryhackme.com/
° https://www.hackthebox.com/
° https://portswigger.net/
° https://overthewire.org/
° https://ctf365.com/
° https://picoctf.org/
° https://owasp.org/www-project-webgoat/
° https://www.root-me.org/en/
° https://www.hacking-lab.com/
° https://owasp.org/www-project-juice-shop/
° https://www.hackthissite.org/
° https://application.security/
° https://pentesterlab.com/
° https://www.hacker101.com/
° https://downunderctf.com/

•Stay UPDATED ( Blogs and Newsletters )

° https://thehackernews.com/
° https://www.wired.com/newsletter
° https://medium.com/@infosecwriteups
° https://www.akamai.com/blog
° https://threatpost.com/
° https://www.darkreading.com/
° https://securib.ee/
° https://infosecwriteups.com/
° https://danielmiessler.com/newsletter/
° https://tldrsec.com/
° https://executiveoffense.beehiiv.com/subscribe

•Bug Bounty Platforms

° https://www.hackerone.com/
° https://www.bugcrowd.com/
° https://www.intigriti.com/ (Recommended for beginners)
° https://www.yeswehack.com/ (Recommended for beginners)


Use Google Dorks to find programs,
° https://github.com/sushiwushi/bug-bounty-dorks/blob/master/dorks.txt
