
Work in progress... Thanks for all the stars, I will try to prioritize this project :)

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Android Penetration Testing Cheat Sheet

This is more of a checklist for myself. May contain useful tips and tricks.

Still a lot of things to add.

Everything was tested on Kali Linux v2022.2 (64-bit) and Samsung A5 (2017) with Android OS v8.0 (Oreo) and Magisk root v25.2.

Check Magisk if you want to root your Android device. I have no liability over your actions.

For help with any of the tools type <tool_name> [-h | -hh | --help] or man <tool_name>.

If you didn't already, read OWASP MSTG and OWASP MASVS. You can download OWASP MSTG checklist from here.

Highly recommend reading HackTricks - Android Applications Pentesting.

Websites that you should use while writing the report:

My other cheat sheets:

Table of Contents

0. Install Tools

1. Basics

3. Search for Files and Directories

4. Inspect Files

5. Deeplinks

6. Frida

7. Objection

8. Drozer

9. Decompile an APK

10. Repackage an APK

11. Tips and Security Best Practices

12. Useful Websites and Tools

0. Install Tools

WiFi ADB - Debug Over Air

Install WiFi ADB - Debug Over Air. To be used with ADB.

WiFi ADB - Debug Over Air

Figure 1 - WiFi ADB - Debug Over Air

Magisk Frida

Download Magisk Frida, then, open your Magisk app and install Frida by importing the downloaded archive.

Magisk Frida

Figure 2 - Magisk Frida

Magisk SQLite 3

Download Magisk SQLite 3, then, open your Magisk app and install SQLite 3 by importing the downloaded archive.

Kali Linux Tools

Install required tools on your Kali Linux:

apt-get -y install docker.io

systemctl start docker

apt-get -y install adb dex2jar jadx radare2 sqlite3 sqlitebrowser xmlstarlet

pip3 install frida-tools objection

Make sure that Frida and Objection are always up to date:

pip3 install frida-tools objection --upgrade


Download and install:

apt-get -y install aapt

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iBotPeaches/Apktool/master/scripts/linux/apktool -O /root/Desktop/apktool

chmod +x /root/Desktop/apktool && cp /root/Desktop/apktool /usr/local/bin/apktool

wget https://bitbucket.org/iBotPeaches/apktool/downloads/apktool_2.7.0.jar -O /root/Desktop/apktool.jar

chmod +x /root/Desktop/apktool.jar && cp /root/Desktop/apktool.jar /usr/local/bin/apktool.jar

Mobile Security Framework (MobSF)


docker pull opensecurity/mobile-security-framework-mobsf


docker run -it --rm --name mobsf -p 8000:8000 opensecurity/mobile-security-framework-mobsf

Navigate to http://localhost:8000 using your preferred web browser.


docker image rm opensecurity/mobile-security-framework-mobsf



docker pull fsecurelabs/drozer


docker run -it --rm --name drozer fsecurelabs/drozer

Download Drozer Agent and install it either manually or by using ADB.


docker image rm fsecurelabs/drozer

1. Basics

Android Debug Bridge (ADB)

Start the server:

adb start-server

List attached devices:

adb devices

Connect to a remote device using WiFi ADB:

adb connect

Stop the server:

adb kill-server

Install/Uninstall an APK

Install an APK (specify -s to install it to a removable storage):

adb install someapp.apk

adb install -s someapp.apk

Uninstall an APK (specify -k to keep the data and cache directories):

adb uninstall com.someapp.dev

adb uninstall -k com.someapp.dev

Pull an APK (base.apk)

adb shell pm list packages 'keyword' | cut -d ':' -f2

adb pull $(adb shell pm path com.someapp.dev | cut -d ':' -f2 | grep 'base.apk') ./
keyword="keyword"; pkg=$(adb shell pm list packages "${keyword}" | cut -d ':' -f2); adb pull $(adb shell pm path "${pkg}" | cut -d ':' -f2 | grep 'base.apk') ./

Open a System Shell

Open a system shell as non-root:

adb shell

Open a system shell as root:

adb shell su

Download/Upload Files and Directories

Some of the internal storage paths:






Number 0 in both, /data/user/0/ and /storage/emulated/0/ paths, represents the first user in a multi-user device.

Don't confuse /mnt/sdcard/ path with a real removable storage path because sometimes such path is device specific, so you will need to search it on the internet or extract it using some Java code. In my case it is /mnt/media_rw/3664-6132/ path.

XML                     -->  Method                                     -->  Path

<files-path/>           -->  getContext().getFilesDir()                 -->  /data/user/0/com.someapp.dev/files

<cache-path/>           -->  getContext().getCacheDir()                 -->  /data/user/0/com.someapp.dev/cache

<external-path/>        -->  Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()  -->  /storage/emulated/0

<external-files-path/>  -->  getContext().getExternalFilesDir("")       -->  /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.someapp.dev/files

<external-cache-path/>  -->  getContext().getExternalCacheDir()         -->  /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.someapp.dev/cache

<external-media-path/>  -->  getContext().getExternalMediaDirs()        -->  /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.someapp.dev
-                       -->  getContext().getExternalFilesDirs("")      -->  /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.someapp.dev/files

Tilde ~ is short for the root directory.

Download a file or directory from your Android device:

adb pull ~/somefile.txt ./

adb pull ~/somedir ./

Keep in mind that some directories do not have the write and/or execute permission; regardless, you can always upload files to and execute from /data/local/tmp/ directory.

Upload a file or directory to your Android device:

adb push somefile.txt /data/local/tmp/

adb push somedir /data/local/tmp/

Empty directory will not be uploaded.

Bypassing Permission Denied

Download a file from your Android device:

adb shell su -c 'cat ~/somefile.txt' > somefile.txt

adb shell su -c 'run-as com.someapp.dev cat ~/somefile.txt' > somefile.txt

Download a directory from your Android device:

dir="somedir"; IFS=$'\n'; for subdir in $(adb shell su -c "find \"${dir}\" -type d | sed 's/ /\\\ /g'"); do mkdir -p ".${subdir}"; done; for file in $(adb shell su -c "find \"${dir}\" -type f | sed 's/ /\\\ /g'"); do adb shell su -c "cat \"${file}\"" > ".${file}"; done;

Upload a file or directory to your Android device:

src="somefile.txt"; dst="/data/data/com.someapp.dev/"; tmp="/data/local/tmp/"; base=$(basename "${src}"); adb push "${src}" "${tmp}"; adb shell su -c "cp -r \"${tmp}${base}\" \"${dst}\" && rm -rf \"${tmp}${base}\""

3. Search for Files and Directories

Search for files and directories from the global root directory:

find / -iname '*keyword*'

Search for files and directories in app specific directories (run env in Objection):

cd /data/user/0/com.someapp.dev/

cd /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.someapp.dev/

cd /storage/emulated/0/Android/obb/com.someapp.dev/

If you want to download a whole directory from your Android device, see section Download/Upload Files and Directories.

Search for files and directories from the current directory:

find . -iname '*keyword*'

for keyword in 'access' 'account' 'admin' 'card' 'cer' 'conf' 'cred' 'customer' 'email' 'history' 'info' 'json' 'jwt' 'key' 'kyc' 'log' 'otp' 'pass' 'pem' 'pin' 'plist' 'priv' 'refresh' 'salt' 'secret' 'seed' 'setting' 'sign' 'sql' 'token' 'transaction' 'transfer' 'tar' 'txt' 'user' 'zip' 'xml'; do find . -iname "*${keyword}*"; done

4. Inspect Files

Inspect memory dumps, binaries, files inside a decompiled APK, or any other files.

After you finish testing [and logout], don't forget to download app specific directories using adb and inspect all the files inside. Inspect what is new, and what still persists after logout.

There will be some false positive results since the regular expressions are not perfect. I prefer to use rabin2 over strings because it can read Unicode characters.

On your Android device, try to modify app's files to test the filesystem checksum validation, i.e. to test the file integrity validation.

Single File

Extract hardcoded sensitive data:

rabin2 -zzzqq somefile | grep -Pi '[^\w\d]+(basic|bearer)\ .+'

rabin2 -zzzqq somefile | grep -Pi '(access|account|admin|basic|bearer|card|conf|cred|customer|email|history|id|info|jwt|key|kyc|log|otp|pass|pin|priv|refresh|salt|secret|seed|setting|sign|token|transaction|transfer|user)\w*(?:\"\ *\:|\ *\=).+'

rabin2 -zzzqq somefile | grep -Pi '([^\w\d]+(to(\_|\ )do|todo|note)\ |\/\/|\/\*|\*\/).+'

Extract URLs, deeplinks, IPs, etc.:

rabin2 -zzzqq somefile | grep -Po '\w+\:\/\/[\w\-\.\@\:\/\?\=\%\&\#]+' | grep -Piv '\.(css|gif|jpeg|jpg|ogg|otf|png|svg|ttf|woff|woff2)' | sort -uf | tee urls.txt

rabin2 -zzzqq somefile | grep -Po '(\b25[0-5]|\b2[0-4][0-9]|\b[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)){3}' | sort -uf | tee ips.txt

Extract all strings and decode Base64 strings:

rabin2 -zzzqq somefile | sort -uf > strings.txt

grep -Po '(?:([a-zA-Z0-9\+\/]){4})*(?:(?1){4}|(?1){3}\=|(?1){2}\=\=)' strings.txt | sort -uf > base64.txt

for string in $(cat base64.txt); do res=$(echo "${string}" | base64 -d 2>/dev/null | grep -PI '[\s\S]+'); if [[ ! -z $res ]]; then echo -n "${string}\n${res}\n\n"; fi; done | tee base64_decoded.txt

Multiple Files

Extract hardcoded sensitive data:

IFS=$'\n'; for file in $(find . -type f); do echo -n "\nFILE: \"${file}\"\n"; rabin2 -zzzqq "${file}" 2>/dev/null | grep -Pi '[^\w\d]+(basic|bearer)\ .+'; done

IFS=$'\n'; for file in $(find . -type f); do echo -n "\nFILE: \"${file}\"\n"; rabin2 -zzzqq "${file}" 2>/dev/null | grep -Pi '(access|account|admin|basic|bearer|card|conf|cred|customer|email|history|id|info|jwt|key|kyc|log|otp|pass|pin|priv|refresh|salt|secret|seed|setting|sign|token|transaction|transfer|user)\w*(?:\"\ *\:|\ *\=).+'; done

IFS=$'\n'; for file in $(find . -type f); do echo -n "\nFILE: \"${file}\"\n"; rabin2 -zzzqq "${file}" 2>/dev/null | grep -Pi '([^\w\d]+(to(\_|\ )do|todo|note)\ |\/\/|\/\*|\*\/).+'; done

Extract URLs, deeplinks, IPs, etc.:

IFS=$'\n'; for file in $(find . -type f); do rabin2 -zzzqq "${file}" 2>/dev/null; done | grep -Po '\w+\:\/\/[\w\-\.\@\:\/\?\=\%\&\#]+' | grep -Piv '\.(css|gif|jpeg|jpg|ogg|otf|png|svg|ttf|woff|woff2)' | sort -uf | tee urls.txt

IFS=$'\n'; for file in $(find . -type f); do rabin2 -zzzqq "${file}" 2>/dev/null; done | grep -Po '(\b25[0-5]|\b2[0-4][0-9]|\b[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)){3}' | sort -uf | tee ips.txt

Extract all strings and decode Base64 strings:

IFS=$'\n'; for file in $(find . -type f); do rabin2 -zzzqq "${file}" 2>/dev/null; done | sort -uf > strings.txt

grep -Po '(?:([a-zA-Z0-9\+\/]){4})*(?:(?1){4}|(?1){3}\=|(?1){2}\=\=)' strings.txt | sort -uf > base64.txt

for string in $(cat base64.txt); do res=$(echo "${string}" | base64 -d 2>/dev/null | grep -PI '[\s\S]+'); if [[ ! -z $res ]]; then echo -n "${string}\n${res}\n\n"; fi; done | tee base64_decoded.txt

SQLite 3

Use adb to download database files. Once downloaded, open them with DB Browser for SQLite.

To inspect the content, navigate to Browse Data tab, expand Table dropdown menu, and select the desired table.


Figure 3 - DB Browser for SQLite

To inspect and/or edit database files on your Android device directly, use SQLite 3; adb to your Android device and run the following commands:

sqlite3 somefile



SELECT * FROM sometable;



Create a backup:

adb backup -system -apk -shared -all -f backup.ab

Download the latest Android Backup Extrator, and repack a backup:

java -jar abe.jar unpack backup.ab backup.tar

java -jar abe.jar pack backup.tar backup.ab

Restore a backup:

adb restore backup.ab

5. Deeplinks

To do.

6. Frida

Useful resources:

List processes:

frida-ps -Uai

frida-ps -Uai | grep -i 'keyword'

Get PID for a specified keyword:

frida-ps -Uai | grep -i 'keyword' | cut -d ' ' -f 1

Discover internal methods/calls:

frida-discover -U -f com.someapp.dev | tee frida_discover.txt

Trace internal methods/calls:

frida-trace -U -p 1337

frida-trace -U -p 1337 -i 'recv*' -i 'send*'

Frida Scripts

Bypass SSL Pinning using android-ssl-pinning-bypass script:

frida -U -no-pause -l android-ssl-pinning-bypass.js -f com.someapp.dev

frida -U -no-pause --codeshare ivan-sincek/android-ssl-pinning-bypass -f com.someapp.dev

I prefer to use the built-in method in Objection.

7. Objection

Useful resources:


objection -g com.someapp.dev explore

Run a Frida script in Objection:

import somescript.js

objection -g com.someapp.dev explore --startup-script somescript.js

Get environment variables:


List KeyStore:

android keystore list

Dump app's memory to a file:

memory dump all mem.dmp

Dump app's memory after e.g. 10 minutes of inactivity, then, check if sensitive data is still in the memory. See section 4. Inspect Files.

Search app's memory directly:

memory search 'somestring' --string

List classes and methods:

android hooking list classes
android hooking search classes 'keyword'

android hooking list class_methods 'someclass'
android hooking search methods 'keyword'

Hook on a class or method:

android hooking watch class 'someclass'

android hooking watch method '-[someclass somemethod]' --dump-args --dump-backtrace --dump-return

Change the method's return value:

android hooking set return_value '-[someclass somemethod]' false

Monitor the clipboard:

android clipboard monitor


Bypass a root detection:

android root disable --quiet

objection -g com.someapp.dev explore --startup-command 'android root disable --quiet'

Bypass SSL pinning:

android sslpinning disable --quiet

objection -g com.someapp.dev explore --startup-command 'android sslpinning disable --quiet'

Also, you can import Frida script.

8. Drozer

Connect to a remote agent:

drozer console connect --server

List modules and show module details:


run somemodule --help

Open a system shell as non-root:


List packages:

run app.package.list

run app.package.list -f 'keyword'

run app.package.backup

run app.package.debuggable

Show a package information:

run app.package.info -a com.someapp.dev

Show app's AndroidManifest.xml:

run app.package.manifest com.someapp.dev

In case you cannot see the whole manifest, decode the APK using Apktool and just open the file manually.

Show app's attack surface:

run app.package.attacksurface com.someapp.dev


List exported activities and intent filters:

run app.activity.info -i -a com.someapp.dev

Start an activity:

run app.activity.start --help

run app.activity.start --component com.someapp.dev com.someapp.dev.SomeActivity

run app.activity.start --component com.someapp.dev com.someapp.dev.SomeActivity --action android.intent.action.SOMEACTION --data-uri somescheme://somehost --extra string someKey someValue

Drozer is not able to pass arrays, lists, objects, etc. to intent filters due to console interface limitations.


List exported and unexported content providers:

run app.provider.info -a com.someapp.dev

run app.provider.info -u -a com.someapp.dev

List, try to query, and do a vulnerability scan for all content providers' URIs:

run app.provider.finduri com.someapp.dev

run scanner.provider.finduris -a com.someapp.dev

run scanner.provider.injection -a com.someapp.dev

run scanner.provider.sqltables -a com.someapp.dev

run scanner.provider.traversal -a com.someapp.dev

9. Decompile an APK

d2j-dex2jar + jadx gives the best results.

Convert APK to JAR:

d2j-dex2jar base.apk -o base.jar


jadx -j $(grep -c 'processor' /proc/cpuinfo) -d /root/Desktop/source/ /root/Desktop/base.jar

Make sure to specify a full path to the base.jar (preferred) or base.apk; otherwise, JADX might not recognize it.

Make sure to specify a full path to the output directory; otherwise, it will default to /usr/share/jadx/bin/ directory (i.e. to the root directory).

To inspect the source code using GUI, run the following command and open either base.jar (preferred) or base.apk:


10. Repackage an APK

To do.

11. Tips and Security Best Practices

Bypass any keyboard restriction by copying and pasting data into an input field.

Access tokens should be short lived and invalidated once the user logs out.

Don't forget to test widgets, push notifications, app extensions, and Firebase.

12. Useful Websites and Tools