JS Introduction

A gentle introduction to JavaScript Workshop Author: Divya Tagtachian

Netlify Status


To get your own instance of this project cloned and deployed to Netlify very quickly, just click the button below and follow the instructions.

Deploy to Netlify

What's happening:

  1. Netlify will clone the git repository of this project into your Github account. It will ask for permission to do this.
  2. We'll create a new site for you in Netlify, and configure it to use your brand new repo. Right away you'll be able to deploy changes simply by pushing changes to your repo.
  3. The End!


To install dependencies

To run this example, you can use either npm or yarn. Depending on the tool you use, the command to build the dependencies in this project will differ.

If using NPM run:

npm i

If using Yarn run:


To run a dev server

Running the below commands will start a local development server running on http://localhost:1234/

If using NPM run:

npm run start

If using Yarn run:

yarn start 

To build this project for production

If using NPM run:

npm run build

If using Yarn run:

yarn build


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License