
Subscribe to DynamoDB streams easily.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Subscribe to DynamoDB streams easily.


npm i dynamodb-subscriber --save


DynamoDBSubscriber allows you to watch the events happening since you start to watch. In the AWS stream API this is ShardIteratorType: 'LATEST'.

const DynamoDBSubscriber = require('dynamodb-subscriber');

const subscriber = new DynamoDBSubscriber({
  arn: 'arn:aws:dynamodb:us-west-1:XXXX:table/YYYY/stream/ZZZZ',
  interval: '1s',

subscriber.on('record', (record) => {


Example output:

{ eventID: 'xxxxx',
  eventName: 'INSERT',
  eventVersion: '1.1',
  eventSource: 'aws:dynamodb',
  awsRegion: 'us-west-1',
   { ApproximateCreationDateTime: Fri Aug 05 2016 16:43:00 GMT-0300 (ART),
     Keys: { name: { S: 'YYYYZZZ' } },
     SequenceNumber: '4324698400043243243243246',
     SizeBytes: 35,
     StreamViewType: 'KEYS_ONLY' } }

The constructor parameters are:

  • arn: the ARN of the resource. Copy this from the AWS console.
  • interval (optional): it can be either a number of milliseconds or an string indicating an interval to poll (syntax from ms).


  • record: emitted when a new record is pull from the stream.
  • error: when the AWS API return an error.


  • start: start to poll the shards periodically.
  • stop: stop watching the stream.

Stream interface

In addition to the EventEmitter there is a way to create a readable stream with this module.

const DynamoDBStream = require('dynamodb-subscriber').Stream;

const dynamoDbStream = new DynamoDBStream({
  arn: 'arn:aws:dynamodb:us-west-1:XXXX:table/YYYY/stream/ZZZZ',
  interval: '1s',



MIT 2016 - JosĂ© F. Romaniello. See the License file on this repository.