Remix && AWS CDK == ❤️

Git clone this repo, npm install get to hacking with npm run dev. Make sure you have our REMIX_TOKEN (license) exported in your env somewhere so you can download the remix resources from the private npm registry.

Getting started

Update the repository information in package.json. We use that to make a couple other things easier.

The cdk.json file tells the CDK Toolkit how to execute your app.

Useful commands

npm run dev start remix server process and watchers npm run deploy:dev deploys the full app stack (including remix) for the dev environment

CI / CD Pipeline

One of the great features of the CDK is the pipelines construct to build a pretty thourough experience to flow your CDK app from a source provider through to all your different envs.

Make sure you've configured the package.json aws.piplines section with the correct account and region. Then you'll need to boostrap things. (Only necessary for the first CDK app in this account / region.)

npm run cdk bootstrap

Add a GITHUB_TOKEN in Secrets Manager

Then once, and only once, you'll need to run npm run deploy:pipeline. Why only once? The pipeline stack is self-mutating on pushes to you main branch.

Everything is Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and self-contained in this repo.