
A SQL/WebAPI mapping query framework

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codecov Type Coverage Continuous Integration

日本語 (Japanese)


Ray.QueryModule makes a query to an external media such as a database or Web API with a function object to be injected.


  • You can have a clear boundary between domain layer (usage code) and infrastructure layer (injected function) in code.
  • Execution objects are generated automatically so you do not need to write procedural code for execution.
  • Since usage codes are indifferent to the actual state of external media, storage can be changed later. Easy parallel development and stabbing.

Composer install

$ composer require ray/media-query

Getting Started

Define the interface for media access.


Specify the SQL ID with the attribute DbQuery.

interface TodoAddInterface
    public function add(string $id, string $title): void;


Specify the Web request ID with the attribute WebQuery.

interface PostItemInterface
    public function get(string $id): array;

Create the web api path list file as web_query.json.

    "$schema": "https://ray-di.github.io/Ray.MediaQuery/schema/web_query.json",
    "webQuery": [
        {"id": "user_item", "method": "GET", "path": "https://{domain}/users/{id}"}


MediaQueryModule binds the execution of SQL and Web API requests to an interface by setting DbQueryConfig or WebQueryConfig or both.

use Ray\AuraSqlModule\AuraSqlModule;
use Ray\MediaQuery\ApiDomainModule;
use Ray\MediaQuery\DbQueryConfig;
use Ray\MediaQuery\MediaQueryModule;
use Ray\MediaQuery\Queries;
use Ray\MediaQuery\WebQueryConfig;

protected function configure(): void
        new MediaQueryModule(
                new DbQueryConfig('/path/to/sql'),
                new WebQueryConfig('/path/to/web_query.json', ['domain' => 'api.exmaple.com'])
    $this->install(new AuraSqlModule('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'username', 'password'));

Request object injection

You don't need to provide any implementation classes. It will be generated and injected.

class Todo
    public function __construct(
        private TodoAddInterface $todoAdd
    ) {}

    public function add(string $id, string $title): void
        $this->todoAdd->add($id, $title);



SQL execution is mapped to a method, and the SQL specified by ID is bound and executed by the method argument. For example, if the ID is todo_item, todo_item.sql SQL statement will be executed with ['id => $id] bound.

  • Prepare the SQL file in the $sqlDir directory.
  • Add a postfix of item if the return value of the SQL execution is a single line, or list if it is multiple lines.
  • The SQL file can contain multiple SQL statements. The last line of SELECT will be the return value.


  • The SQL execution result can be hydrated to the entity class with entity parameter
interface TodoItemInterface
    #[DbQuery('todo_item', entity: Todo::class)]
    public function getItem(string $id): Todo;
final class Todo
    public string $id;
    public string $title;

Use CameCaseTrait to convert a property to camelCase.

use Ray\MediaQuery\CamelCaseTrait;

class Invoice
    use CamelCaseTrait;

    public $userName;

If the entity has a constructor, the constructor will be called with the fetched data.

final class Todo
    public function __construct(
        public string $id,
        public string $title
    ) {}


  • Customization such as header for authentication is done by binding Guzzle's ClinetInterface.



You can pass a value object as a parameter. For example, you can specify a DateTimeInterface object like this.

interface TaskAddInterface
    public function __invoke(string $title, DateTimeInterface $cratedAt = null): void;

The value will be converted to a date formatted string at SQL execution time or Web API request time.

INSERT INTO task (title, created_at) VALUES (:title, :createdAt); # 2021-2-14 00:00:00

If no value is passed, the bound current time will be injected. This eliminates the need to hard-code NOW() inside SQL and pass the current time every time.

Test clock

When testing, you can also use a single time binding for the DateTimeInterface, as shown below.



If a value object other than DateTime is passed, the return value of the ToScalar() method that implements the toScalar interface or the __toString() method will be the argument.

interface MemoAddInterface
    public function __invoke(string $memo, UserId $userId = null): void;
class UserId implements ToScalarInterface
    public function __construct(
        private LoginUser $user;
    public function toScalar(): int
        return $this->user->id;
INSERT INTO memo (user_id, memo) VALUES (:user_id, :memo);

Parameter Injection

Note that the default value of null for the value object argument is never used in SQL. If no value is passed, the scalar value of the value object injected with the parameter type will be used instead of null.

public function __invoke(Uuid $uuid = null): void; // UUID is generated and passed.


The #[Pager] annotation allows paging of SELECT queries.

use Ray\MediaQuery\PagesInterface;

interface TodoList
    #[DbQuery, Pager(perPage: 10, template: '/{?page}')]
    public function __invoke(): PagesInterface;

You can get the number of pages with count(), and you can get the page object with array access by page number. Pages is a SQL lazy execution object.

$pages = ($todoList)();
$cnt = count($page); // When count() is called, the count SQL is generated and queried.
$page = $pages[2]; // A page query is executed when an array access is made.

// $page->data // sliced data
// $page->current;
// $page->total
// $page->hasNext
// $page->hasPrevious
// $page->maxPerPage;
// (string) $page // pager html


If you pass a DateTimeIntetface object, it will be converted to a date formatted string and queried.

$sqlQuery->exec('memo_add', ['memo' => 'run', 'created_at' => new DateTime()]);

When an object is passed, it is converted to a value of toScalar() or __toString() as in Parameter Injection.

Get* Method

To get the SELECT result, use get* method depending on the result you want to get.

$sqlQuery->getRow($queryId, $params); // Result is a single row
$sqlQuery->getRowList($queryId, $params); // result is multiple rows
$statement = $sqlQuery->getStatement(); // Retrieve the PDO Statement
$pages = $sqlQuery->getPages(); // Get the pager

Ray.MediaQuery contains the Ray.AuraSqlModule. If you need more lower layer operations, you can use Aura.Sql's Query Builder or Aura.Sql which extends PDO. doctrine/dbal is also available.


Media accesses are logged by a logger. By default, a memory logger is bound to be used for testing.

public function testAdd(): void
    $this->sqlQuery->exec('todo_add', $todoRun);
    $this->assertStringContainsString('query: todo_add({"id": "1", "title": "run"})', (string) $this->log);

Implement your own MediaQueryLoggerInterface and run You can also implement your own MediaQueryLoggerInterface to benchmark each media query and log it with the injected PSR logger.

Annotations / Attributes

You can use either doctrine annotations or PHP8 attributes can both be used. The next two are the same.

use Ray\MediaQuery\Annotation\DbQuery;

public function add1(string $id, string $title): void;

/** @DbQuery("user_add") */
public function add2(string $id, string $title): void;

Testing Ray.MediaQuery

Here's how to install Ray.MediaQuery from the source and run the unit tests and demos.

$ git clone https://github.com/ray-di/Ray.MediaQuery.git
$ cd Ray.MediaQuery
$ composer tests
$ php demo/run.php