
Shotstack PHP demos - Edit videos in the cloud with PHP and the Shotstack Video Editing API

Shotstack PHP Examples

Video examples

  • text.php - Create a HELLO WORLD video title against black background with a zoom in motion effect and soundtrack.

  • images.php - Takes an array of image URLs and creates a video with a soundtrack and simple zoom in effect.

  • titles.php - Create a video to demo titles using the available preset font styles, a soundtrack, zoom in motion effect and wipe right transition.

  • trim.php - Trim the start and end of a video clip to output a shortened video.

  • filters.php - Applies filters to a video clip, including a title with the name of the filter and a soundtrack.

  • captions.php - Parse an SRT transcript file and apply the captions to a video.

  • layers.php - Layer a title over a background video using tracks. The title includes a zoom effect and is semi-transparent.

  • luma.php - Create animated transition effects using a luma matte and the luma matte asset type.

  • merge.php - Merge data in to a video using merge fields.

  • transform.php - Apply transformations (rotate, skew and flip) to a video clip.

Image examples

  • border.php - Add a border frame around a background photo.

  • gif.php - Create an animated gif that plays once.

Polling example

  • status.php - Shows the status of a render task and the output video URL. Run this after running one of the render examples.

Probe example

  • probe.php - Fetch metadata for any media asset on the internet such as width, height, duration, etc...

Asset management examples

  • serve-api/renderId.php - Fetch all assets associated with a render ID. Includes video or image and thumbnail and poster.

  • serve-api/assetId.php - Fetch an individual asset by asset ID.

  • serve-api/destination.php - Shows how to exclude a render from being sent to the Shotstack hosting destination.

  • s3.js - Sends a rendered video to an S3 bucket and excludes it from Shotstack. Requires an AWS account and S3 bucket.

Template examples

  • templates/create.php - Create a reusable template with a placeholder that can be rendered with different merge field values.

  • templates/get.php - Get a stored template by template ID.

  • templates/render.php - Render the template created using templates/create.php using its ID and merge field.


  • PHP 7.3+
  • Composer


Install the required dependencies including the Shotstack SDK

composer install

Set your API key

The demos use the staging endpoint by default so use your provided staging key:

export SHOTSTACK_KEY=your_key_here

Windows users (Command Prompt):

set SHOTSTACK_KEY=your_key_here

You can get an API key via the Shotstack web site.

Run an example

The examples directory includes a number of examples demonstrating the capabilities of the Shotstack API.


To run a rendering/editing example run the examples at the root of the examples folder, e.g. to run the images video example:

php examples/images.php


To check the status of a render, similar to polling run the status.php example with the render ID, e.g.:

php examples/status.php 8b844085-779c-4c3a-b52f-d79deca2a960

Asset management

To look up assets hosted by Shotstack run the examples in the examples/serve-api directory.

Find assets by render ID:

php examples/serve-api/renderId.php 8b844085-779c-4c3a-b52f-d79deca2a960


Find an asset by asset ID:

php examples/serve-api/assetId.php 3f446298-779c-8c8c-f253-900c1627b776


Documentation and reference guides for the Shotstack video editing API