
Primary LanguageC++

CPscan: Detecting Bugs Causedby Code Pruning in IoT Kernels

Code pruning is prevalent in IoT kernels. we present CPscan, a system for automatically detecting bugs caused by code pruning in IoT kernels. First, using a new graph-based approach that iteratively conducts a structure-aware basic block matching, CPscan can precisely and efficiently identify the deleted security operations in IoT kernels. Then, CPscan infers the security impact of a deleted security operation by comparing the bounded use chain. The tool, CPscan, can help automatically identify bugs caused by the deletions of security operations in OS kernels.

Another Way to setup build env (YSG)

install llvm develop environment

wget --no-check-certificate -O - https://apt.llvm.org/llvm-snapshot.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -
add-apt-repository 'deb http://apt.llvm.org/bionic/   llvm-toolchain-bionic-10  main'
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install llvm-10 lldb-10 llvm-10-dev libllvm10 llvm-10-runtime clang-10
sudo apt install libomp-dev # better specify version
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

Write a new CMakeLists.txt

see CMakeLists.txt


cd Kanalyzer
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

How to use CPscan


- boost_1_72_0
- openmpi
- llvm

Build LLVM

	$ cd llvm 
	$ ./build-llvm.sh 
	# The installed LLVM is of version 10.0.0 

Build the CPscan analyzer

	# Build the analysis pass of CPscan 
	$ cd ../analyzer 
	$ make 
	# Now, you can find the executable, `kanalyzer`, in `build/lib/`

Prepare LLVM bitcode files of OS kernels

  • The code should be compiled with the built LLVM
  • Compile the code with options: -O0 or -O2, -g, -fno-inline

Run the CPscan analyzer

	# To analyze a single bitcode file, say "test.bc", run:
	$ ./build/lib/kanalyzer -sc test.bc
	# To analyze a list of bitcode files, put the absolute paths of the bitcode files in a file, say "bc.list", then run:
	$ ./build/lib/kalalyzer -sc @bc.list