
A Patch Detection Tool

Primary LanguagePython


A patch and vulnerability detection tool for paper "Towards Practical Binary Code Similarity Detection: Vulnerability Verification via Patch Semantic Analysis".

For more details, please refer to our paper.


  1. pip install -r requirments.txt.
  2. Install IDA Pro 7.x. Then set the path of ida to the variable ida in running_setting.py. Make sure the IDA python working well.


Please check the help instruction by running python main.py --help.

usage: Patch detection tool. [-h] [--mfi] [--cve_id CVE_ID]
                             [--path_to_vul_bin PATH_TO_VUL_BIN]
                             [--path_to_patch_bin PATH_TO_PATCH_BIN]
                             [--vul_func_name VUL_FUNC_NAME] [--detect]
                             [--target_bin TARGET_BIN]
                             [--target_func_name TARGET_FUNC_NAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --mfi                 generate MFI of Vulnerability. Please specify options
                        of cve_id, path_to_vul_bin, path_to_patch_bin,
  --cve_id CVE_ID       CVE ID
  --path_to_vul_bin PATH_TO_VUL_BIN
                        path to vulnerable binary
  --path_to_patch_bin PATH_TO_PATCH_BIN
                        path to patched binary
  --vul_func_name VUL_FUNC_NAME
                        vulnerable/patched function name
  --detect              detecting patched or vulnerable code within given
                        target bin. Please specify options of cve_id,
                        target_bin, vul_func_name
  --target_bin TARGET_BIN
  --target_func_name TARGET_FUNC_NAME
                        The name of target function which may contains patched
                        or vulnerable code.


MFI Building

For example:

python main.py --mfi --cve_id CVE-2015-0288 --path_to_vul_bin binaries/openssl/O0/openssl-1.0.1l --path_to_patch_bin binaries/openssl/O0/openssl-1.0.1m --vul_func_name X509_to_X509_REQ

Online Detection

For example:

python main.py --detect --cve_id CVE-2015-0288 --target_bin binaries/openssl/O0/openssl-1.0.1k --vul_func_name X509_to_X509_REQ

The output will be: Overal Score is: -0.966

The scoring system ranges from -1 to 1, where values closer to -1 indicate that the detected function exhibits more characteristics similar to vulnerable functions. On the other hand, scores closer to 1 suggest that the detected function displays more similarities with patched functions.


see ./data/cve_all