iflix backend


  • Node v8.5.0
  • MongoDb v3.6.0
  • Yarn 1.3.2

Steps for running API (connected to online database with some dummy data - mLab)

  • git clone git@github.com:shouheiyamauchi/iflix-backend.git
  • yarn install
  • yarn run dev
  • yarn run test (recommended to run on localTest if local db set up correctly otherwise it will run quite slow)

Dummy usernames already created: admin, iflix_user, shouhei, john (all with the password 'password')

'yarn' command can be replaced with 'npm'

Steps for running API (local db)

  • git clone git@github.com:shouheiyamauchi/iflix-backend.git
  • yarn install (or npm install)
  • sudo mongod
  • yarn run localDev (or npm run dev)
  • yarn run dbSeed (or npm run dbSeed) - load up dummy data
  • yarn run localTest

The environmental variable LOCAL_DB_URL inside the .env file (not in .gitignore for simplicity sake) points to the local database URL. Assumes no username / password set up and using default port 27017. If there are any variations to this, update the url using following format: mongodb://[username]:[password]localhost:[port]/iflix-app


Efficiency Considerations

  • A snapshot of the average, and number of each 1 ~ 5 rating is taken on each rating submission so there is no need to perform expensive db operations on each average rating display
  • Pagination for listing out all contents so each API call gives back only limited number of results

Future Improvements

  • Password should be encrypted (e.g. using bcrypt)
  • Expiration on user tokens
  • Duplication check of movie titles
  • Filterable/sortable contents list

API Endpoints

Protected Endpoints

All endpoints in bold above are protected endpoints which require the user to be logged in. In order to achieve this, login from: http://localhost:3001/api/v1/users/login?username=[username]&password=[password] then the resulting JSON will include a token. Using Postman (or any similar client) add this to the Authorization header appended with 'JWT '. So for example: 'JWT eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjVhNzgzYTIxZmI0ODU3MjllYTczOTEzMCIsImlhdCI6MTUxNzgyOTc5MH0.-uZAveSJqjzLI2L7BoVforOf0_jHcdxHmQcnpE4K9g0' will be the Authorization header. The content manipulation and change-role end points require an admin user to be logged in. A sample admin user has been created with the following details: username - admin; password - password

Roles of Each File Type

  • Controller - sets http status and sends response
  • Services - accesses model and create, view, manipulate data to send back to controller
  • Routes - specify the routes without the prefix
  • Parent Routes - add prefix based on feature
  • Models - shared by application regardless of API version
  • Helpers - application wide functions