
A python3 library to simplify project compiling

Primary LanguagePython

#! https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/577668335

8514-pype: A PYthon PlannEr




  • 目标:
  • 结论:
  • 背景与动机:
    • 替换bash脚本并加强其路棒性,简化其维护.
  • {备注:[], 关键词:[pipeline], 相关篇目:[], 完成度:爱好, 主要参考:[]}
  • 展望方向: []
  • 相关篇目: []
    • 20230208 v0.0.6
      • multi-thread safety: use absolute instead of relative path
      • fix lazy_url to use absolute path
      • fix Controller.lazy_git_url_commit()
      • 需要检查的文件操作: open, shutil, os.chdir ,ShellRun
      • fix tests
      • add Controller.rcwd() for runtime access [NEED_TEST]
    • 20221027 v0.0.4


As a python package

python3 -m pip install https://github.com/shouldsee/pype/tarball/master

Design Principles

  • Readbility: Focus on transformation by chaining functions (aka. Functional Programming) via RuntimeObject(callee,caller)
  • Compositionality: Easy specification of objects with connectable endpoints, via core functions:
    • Controller.built,PlaceHolder.built:deferred reference,
    • Controller.export(k,v,t): exported to be available via .built
    • Controller.runtime_init(k,v,t): variable loading to fire callables against.
  • Debuggability: via tracebacks, logged stdout/stderr, and type checkers
  • Integrable: All of and more than python packages.
  • Simplicity: capture re-occurring patterns and replace with simpler syntaxes
  • Stateful Laziness: Skip an operation if its target already achieved

quick example: python3 examples/know_my_cli.py

from pype import Controller
from pype import RuntimeObject as RO
from datetime import datetime
def know_my_cli(ctl):

    ctl.lazy_apt_install('nano git proxychains4'.split())
    ctl.lazy_pip_install('toml pyyaml'.split())
    ctl.export('done_ts', RO(None, lambda x:datetime.now()), datetime )
if __name__=='__main__':
    ctl = Controller()

example with variables: python3 examples/know_my_cli_adv.py

With more features demonstrated

from pype import Controller
from pype import RuntimeObject as RO
from pype import PlaceHolder
import yaml
import os
def know_my_cli(ctl, host, user, key, password_file):
    [TBC] adds lazy_apt_update to avoid 
    update too often and not doing update.

    def load_pass(x):
        with open(password_file,'r') as f:
            v = yaml.safe_load(f.read())

    ctl.lazy_apt_install('nano git proxychains4'.split())

    ### skipper criteria needs rewrite
    # ctl.lazy_pip_install('toml pyyaml'.split())  
    SH_CONN = RO(ctl).rundir +'/connect-' + ctl.runtime['key'] +'.sh'
    ctl.RWC(run = lambda rt:
        open( SH_CONN(),'w').write(
        sshpass -p "{rt["passwds"][rt["key"]]}" | ssh -p22 {rt["user"]}@{rt["host"]} -vvv 
    ctl.export('SH_CONN', SH_CONN, str)
if __name__=='__main__':
    key = PlaceHolder('key')
    host = PlaceHolder('host')
    user = PlaceHolder('user')
    ctl = Controller.from_func(know_my_cli, host.built, user.built, key.built, 
    ### same as
    # ctl = Controller()
    ## then
    # know_my_cli(ctl, '', 'ubuntu')

    for k,h,u in [
        'here ubuntu'.split(),
        'remote ubuntu'.split()

| name               | co_name     | lineno | skipped | cur_ms | run_ms | file                              |
| _PYPE_START        | None        | None   | -1      | -1     | -1     | None                              |
| _defaul_key_0      | know_my_cli | 22     | 0       | 1      | 1      | /root/cli/examples/know_my_cli.py |
| lazy_apt_install/1 | know_my_cli | 24     | 1       | 13     | -1     | /root/cli/examples/know_my_cli.py |
| lazy_git/2         | know_my_cli | 29     | 1       | 10     | 1787   | /root/cli/examples/know_my_cli.py |
| _defaul_key_3      | know_my_cli | 33     | 0       | 1      | 1      | /root/cli/examples/know_my_cli.py |
| SH_CONN            | know_my_cli | 39     | 0       | 0      | 0      | /root/cli/examples/know_my_cli.py |
| _PYPE_END          | None        | None   | -1      | -1     | -1     | None                              |

$ls $HOME/cli
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root  165 10月 27 02:41 temp_pype
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    0 10月 27 02:41 PYPE.json.lock
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.7K 10月 27 02:41 PYPE.json.last
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   71 10月 27 02:41 connect-here.sh
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.7K 10月 27 02:41 PYPE.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   75 10月 27 02:41 connect-remote.sh


Example: debuggability: evaltime traceback for RuntimeObject

This pytest function shows what's expected when an error-raising function is composed into the chain. on x.call(), the lambda funcs got executed and a traceback outlines the call chain that leads to the error.

[TBC] adds optional echo stream to trace the whole RuntimeObject chain to the start of chain.

import pytest
from pype import RuntimeObject as RO
def test_error(capfd):
    myexe = Exception('foobar')
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as einfo:
        x = RO(None)
        x = x.chain_with(lambda x:x)
        x = x.chain_with(lambda x: (_ for _ in ()).throw(myexe))
        x = x.chain_with(lambda x:[][1])
        x = x.chain_with(lambda x:[x])

        The above is equivalent to 
        x = RO(None)
        x = RO(x,lambda x: (_ for _ in ()).throw(myexe))
        x = RO(x,lambda x:[][1])
        x = RO(x,lambda x:[x])

    assert einfo.value is myexe
    expected = '''
Evaltime traceback:
  File "/repos/shared/repos/pype/tests/test_base.py", line 14, in test_error
    x = x.chain_with(lambda x: (_ for _ in ()).throw(myexe))
  File "/repos/shared/repos/pype/tests/test_base.py", line 15, in test_error
    x = x.chain_with(lambda x:[][1])
  File "/repos/shared/repos/pype/tests/test_base.py", line 16, in test_error
    x = x.chain_with(lambda x:[x])
    out, err = capfd.readouterr()
    assert_similar_tb(expected, err)

#xample stderr log:

[BULD](name='lazy_apt_install/0', code 'know_my_cli', file='/repos/shared/repos/pype/examples/know_my_cli.py', line 4)
  File "/repos/shared/repos/pype/examples/know_my_cli.py", line 4, in know_my_cli
    ctl.lazy_apt_install('nano git proxychains4'.split())

[BULD](name='lazy_wget/1', code 'know_my_cli', file='/repos/shared/repos/pype/examples/know_my_cli.py', line 6)
  File "/repos/shared/repos/pype/examples/know_my_cli.py", line 6, in know_my_cli
    'toml pyyaml'.split())

[BULD](name='lazy_git/2', code 'know_my_cli', file='/repos/shared/repos/pype/examples/know_my_cli.py', line 7)
  File "/repos/shared/repos/pype/examples/know_my_cli.py", line 7, in know_my_cli

Example summary log Controller.pprint_stats:

| name               | co_name     | lineno | skipped | cur_ms | run_ms | file                                             |
| _PYPE_START        | None        | None   | -1      | -1     | -1     | None                                             |
| lazy_apt_install/0 | know_my_cli | 4      | 1       | 35     | 4520   | /repos/shared/repos/pype/examples/know_my_cli.py |
| lazy_wget/1        | know_my_cli | 6      | 0       | 6141   | 6141   | /repos/shared/repos/pype/examples/know_my_cli.py |
| lazy_git/2         | know_my_cli | 7      | 1       | 8      | -1     | /repos/shared/repos/pype/examples/know_my_cli.py |
| _PYPE_END          | None        | None   | -1      | -1     | -1     | None                                             |

Listed Features

  • typical workflows

    • .runtime_init() to load runtime variables
    • .init_cd() to specify working directory
    • .RWC() to register callables in a linear chain, with checker skip criteria
      • optional double checker(check_ctx) after run() and writer()
    • .lazy_*() to register convenience workflows
    • .export() to make variables available
  • Functional low-level batteries: RuntimeObject(callee,caller) to enable low level composition of argument-less callables.

  • Buildtime high-level batteries included for apt,git,pip

  • Same language for

    • file-based-lazy, argless, buildtime functions. reused when migrated to new env. (see "know" functions)
    • runtime functions with runtime inputs. reused when calling on a new argument.
    • allowing runtime functions to check buildtime deps when initing.
  • portable know functions that can be imported to compose larger systems.

  • [TBC] adding bash wrapper to interact with stdin? clear or append to meta file?

  • [TBC,important]

    • Pype can be linear chained, or parallel chained, to create larger Pypes.
    • [DONE] Each Pype knows where it is defined.
    • [DONE] Each Pype manages its own meta file
    • [DONE] usually each Pype would bind to a directory, with some runtime variable.
      • -C to change directory before execution
      • --meta-file to specify meta file other than PYPE.toml
      • consider warnings if multiple Pype / multiple runtimes executed against the same meta file.
        • option_1: only accepts empty file
        • option_2: allow overwrite if Pype name matches and runtime matches. (needs to specify fields to check)
        • option_3: allow overwrite if Pype name matches,ignore runtime stream.
        • option 4: allow overwrite what-so-ever
      • use a constructor to delay the specification of directory until runtime.
    • [needtest] also allows binds to a single file.
    • [DONE] when Pype is executed, the bound meta file gets updated.
      • possible back-injection by file-watching?
    • when creating new directories, consider new Pypes.
    • contextManager to construct Pype.
  • [DONE] simpler error messages with lineno, much more debuggable than bash scripts.

    • added: evaltime traceback to show which RuntimeObject chain throws the error
  • [DONE] log control

    • during Controller.build(), printing context of Controller.RWC
    • finer-grain?
  • [TBC] typical project structures?

    • pype eats python functions, which needs to be installed before using. import a function from http is risky?
    • onefile pype: needs to specify python depedencies before eating the actual know function
    • example situation:
      • pype A lazy git install pype B. pype B lazy git install pype C. encourage explicit management of a package index, where a pacakge is just a folder in the index like 'sites-package'.
  • [TBC] exec logging to disk.

    • write last execution time to cache, with runtime.
    • if execution depends on runtime, th
  • Linear chain execution within pype.

  • compatible with in-package relative module import

  • typical project workflow

    • init apt deps
    • init project.sites-package,prepare and check functions
    • workload: run some tests, build some binaries
    • start some servers
    • watch for signal that triggers workload and sends back stats.


  • [TBC] print_frame_lineno() adapt parso to save parsing