
Gluu server kubernetes version

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Kubernetes Gluu server


Gluu Server on Kubernetes. This readme will deploy gluu server in minikube, a single node cluter as a basic example.

Tools needed:

Installation guide

Start minikube vm

$ minikube start

or if you're using KVM2

minikube start --vm-driver kvm2

This command will start a single kubernetes node.

Clone gluu kubernetes project

$ git clone https://github.com/GluuFederation/k8s-gluu-server.git

Then Change to k8s-gluu-server dir.

$ cd k8s-gluu-server/

Run this command to setup consul in minikube single node cluster

$ kubectl create -f stage1.yaml

Get consul service port and minikube ip

$ minikube ip

this will show minikube ip, save it for later use.

$ kubectl get svc

Example output:

NAME            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
gluuconsul      ClusterIP    <none>        8500/TCP         1d
gluuconsul-np   NodePort     <none>        8500:30769/TCP   1d

For example, save this exposed consule service port "30769" for later use

Genarate configuration

This cmd will genarate configuration and put it in consul. For this guide we will use "k8s-gluu-server" as gluu hostname.

$ docker run --rm \
    gluufederation/config-init:3.1.1_dev \
    --admin-pw admin@1234 \
    --email support@gluu.local \
    --domain k8s-gluu-server \
    --org-name gluuinc \
    --kv-host <minikube-ip> \
    --kv-port <exposed-consule-service-port> \

Deploy ldap in another vm

Note: This ladp deployment is only an example. Create a virtual machine using virtualbox. Get its ip. Then run this cmd inside new vm:

$ docker run -d \
    --name openldap-init \
    --network=host \
    -e GLUU_KV_HOST=<minikube-vm-ip> \
    -e GLUU_KV_PORT=<exposed-consule-service-port> \
    -e GLUU_LDAP_INIT=true \
    -e GLUU_LDAP_INIT_HOST=<this-vm-ip> \
    -e GLUU_LDAP_INIT_PORT=1389 \
    -v /home/gluu/flag:/flag \

Generate stage2.yaml

To run this command we need the ip of our LDAP vm for ldap-location and the domain, defined above, as gluu hostname.

For example: ldap location : 192.168.xx.xxx:1389 gluu hostname : k8s-gluu-server You need 'click' to run this script.

$ pip install click
$ python gluuk8s.py --ldap-location=192.168.xx.xxx:1389 --k8s-gluu-hostname=k8s-gluu-server > /path/of/stage2.yaml

This will create stage2.yaml file.

Run stage2

$ kubectl create -f /path/of/stage2.yaml

This will deploy oxauth, oxtrust and nginx services in minikube node.

Use deployed services