Teacher Payday

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Problems we found in the world:

  • Amazing teachers are underpaid, despite teaching being one of the most crucial professions for society.
  • Incredibly talented students miss out on opportunity because of factors out of their control like financial status.

As wisely said by Nicholas A. Ferroni:

Educators are the only people who lose sleep over other people's kids.

We decided that we can use technology for good. We decided that in a new world, people should be able to invest in people much like how they can invest in companies. Teachers should be able to invest in their students' future, and be able to benefit from their investment.

How does it work?

Teachers make bets on their students' future success and invest in the student directly. Teachers are uniquely aware of students' financial and family background, and they firsthand see what nobody else can see. The students, would be able to use that investment to fund their educational, entrepreneurial or athletic careers.

Teachers see returns on their investment based on mutual agreements. It can be a lumpsump payback. It could also be a small % of the income for a fixed amount. We recommend "5% of income capped at 1.5x initial investment over the next 5 years", but really it can be anything you want!

All transacions are made over blockchain so there should be no security concerns whatsoever. Transactions occur instantly.

Technology Stack Used

For the front end, we used React (and a whole bunch of supporting React Libraries - styled componenets, Ant Design, Recharts, etc). For the backend we used Django. For the blockchain we used Etherium (specifically, the Kovan test network). We used Metamask as our crypto wallet. For version controlling we used GitHub (duh!). For making our presentation we used Canva. For sharing notes and private information we used Google Docs. For images we used Unsplash and Undraw (both free and open source).

Made with ❤️ at SpartaHacks 7

How to Run Project Locally

  1. Clone the project using git.
  2. cd into the frontend directory
  3. run npm install
  4. cd out of the frontend directory (you should be at the root now) and cd into backend.
  5. run pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. run python manage.py runserver or python3 manage.py runserver (if you're on macOs).
  7. cd out of backend and into frontend directory
  8. run npm start
  9. done!