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// -------- sink with raw json string stream --------
fromElements(new String[]{
"{\"score\": \"99\", \"name\": \"stephen\"}",
"{\"score\": \"100\", \"name\": \"lebron\"}"
// the sink options
.withProperty("jdbc-url", "jdbc:mysql://ip:port,ip:port?xxxxx")
.withProperty("load-url", "ip:port;ip:port")
.withProperty("username", "xxx")
.withProperty("password", "xxx")
.withProperty("table-name", "xxx")
.withProperty("database-name", "xxx")
.withProperty("sink.properties.format", "json")
.withProperty("sink.properties.strip_outer_array", "true")
// -------- sink with stream transformation --------
class RowData {
public int score;
public String name;
public RowData(int score, String name) {
new RowData[]{
new RowData(99, "stephen"),
new RowData(100, "lebron")
// the table structure
.field("score", DataTypes.INT())
.field("name", DataTypes.VARCHAR(20))
// the sink options
.withProperty("jdbc-url", "jdbc:mysql://ip:port,ip:port?xxxxx")
.withProperty("load-url", "ip:port;ip:port")
.withProperty("username", "xxx")
.withProperty("password", "xxx")
.withProperty("table-name", "xxx")
.withProperty("database-name", "xxx")
.withProperty("sink.properties.column_separator", "\\x01")
.withProperty("sink.properties.row_delimiter", "\\x02")
// set the slots with streamRowData
(slots, streamRowData) -> {
slots[0] = streamRowData.score;
slots[1] = streamRowData.name;
// create a table with `structure` and `properties`
// Needed: Add `com.starrocks.connector.flink.table.StarRocksDynamicTableSinkFactory` to: `src/main/resources/META-INF/services/org.apache.flink.table.factories.Factory`
"name VARCHAR," +
"score BIGINT" +
") WITH ( " +
"'connector' = 'starrocks'," +
"'jdbc-url'='jdbc:mysql://ip:port,ip:port?xxxxx'," +
"'load-url'='ip:port;ip:port'," +
"'database-name' = 'xxx'," +
"'table-name' = 'xxx'," +
"'username' = 'xxx'," +
"'password' = 'xxx'," +
"'sink.buffer-flush.max-rows' = '1000000'," +
"'sink.buffer-flush.max-bytes' = '300000000'," +
"'sink.buffer-flush.interval-ms' = '300000'," +
"'sink.properties.column_separator' = '\\x01'," +
"'sink.properties.row_delimiter' = '\\x02'," +
"'sink.max-retries' = '3'" +
"'sink.properties.*' = 'xxx'" + // stream load properties like `'sink.properties.columns' = 'k1, v1'`
Option | Required | Default | Type | Description |
connector | YES | NONE | String | starrocks |
jdbc-url | YES | NONE | String | this will be used to execute queries in starrocks. |
load-url | YES | NONE | String | fe_ip:http_port;fe_ip:http_port separated with ; , which would be used to do the batch sinking. |
database-name | YES | NONE | String | starrocks database name |
table-name | YES | NONE | String | starrocks table name |
username | YES | NONE | String | starrocks connecting username |
password | YES | NONE | String | starrocks connecting password |
sink.semantic | NO | at-least-once |
String | at-least-once or exactly-once (flush at checkpoint only and options like sink.buffer-flush.* won't work either). |
sink.buffer-flush.max-bytes | NO | 94371840(90M) | String | the max batching size of the serialized data, range: [64MB, 10GB] . |
sink.buffer-flush.max-rows | NO | 500000 | String | the max batching rows, range: [64,000, 5000,000] . |
sink.buffer-flush.interval-ms | NO | 300000 | String | the flushing time interval, range: [1000ms, 3600000ms] . |
sink.max-retries | NO | 1 | String | max retry times of the stream load request, range: [0, 10] . |
sink.connect.timeout-ms | NO | 1000 | String | Timeout in millisecond for connecting to the load-url , range: [100, 60000] . |
sink.properties.* | NO | NONE | String | the stream load properties like 'sink.properties.columns' = 'k1, v1' . |
was triggered(at-least-once
) when: cachedRows >= ${sink.buffer-flush.max-rows} || cachedBytes >= ${sink.buffer-flush.max-bytes} || idleTime >= ${sink.buffer-flush.interval-ms}