
This project houses a basic PHP project that allows for storage and retrieval of a blob value

Primary LanguagePHP

sl-php-assignment Build Status codecov

This project houses a basic PHP project that allows for storage and retrieval of a blob value.

Please take a look at notes.md


  • PHP >= 7.2
  • Composer
  • MySQL
  • Docker (For Development)

Local Development

For local development you may use docker compose to setup a running environment. The default port runs on 8080.

> docker compose up

Unit Tests

To run unit tests, make use of the PHPUnit library that comes together with it

> ./vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite unit-test

Test coverage results are output in the repository's root location clover.xml.

DB Structure

Do take a look at any files located in the /mysql folder.

API Design

  • GET /api/v1/objects

-- Empty database --

GET /api/v1/objects
Response - 200 OK 

-- Has some values --

GET /api/v1/objects
Response - 200 OK
    "foo": "bar",
    "baz": "fizz"
  • GET /api/v1/objects/{key}
    • Accepted query params: timestamp=<int>

-- Successful --

GET /api/v1/objects/foo
Response - 200 OK 

GET /api/v1/objects/baz
Response - 200 OK
Header - Content-Type: application/json
    "foo": "bar"

GET /api/v1/objects/baz?timestamp=1634219586
Response - 200 OK
some earlier val

-- Invalid Timestamp --

GET /api/v1/objects/baz?timestamp=not+integer
Response - 400 Bad Request
    "error": "Invalid timestamp given."

-- Not Found -- 

GET /api/v1/objects/idontexist
Response - 404 Not Found
    "error": "Key was not found."
  • POST /api/v1/objects
    • Accepted headers: Content-Type: application/json

-- Successful --

POST /api/v1/objects -d '{"key": "foo"}'
Response: 200 OK
    "timestamp": 1634219586

POST /api/v1/objects -d '{"key": "baz", "another": "bar"}'
Response: 200 OK
    "timestamp": 1634219886

-- Bad Request --

POST /api/v1/objects -d 'not json'
Response: 400 Bad Request
    "error": "Malformed JSON payload received."

POST /api/v1/objects -d '{"key":"""multi qu"ote"}'
Response: 400 Bad Request
    "error": "Malformed JSON payload received."

POST /api/v1/objects -d ''
Response: 400 Bad Request
    "error": "Empty payload received."